Eurach Research


Digital Natives - Digital Immigrants. Writing on Social Network Sites: a corpus-based observation of the current language use in South Tyrol, with particular consideration of the writers' age

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: finished
    • Funding:
      Provincial P.-L.P. 14. Research projects (Province BZ funding /Project)
    • Total project budget: €200,392.20
    • Institute: Institute for Applied Linguistics

    In the project DiDi we have analysed the linguistic strategies employed by users of social network sites (SNS). The data analysis focused on South Tyrolean users and we investigated how they communicate with each other. In regions of the German speaking area where dialect is frequently used in different communicative contexts, regional and social codes are often also used in written computer mediated communication. Another interesting but more general aspect of the new media is connected to the emerging linguistic and social practices (new literacy). One of the main research questions in DiDi was whether people of different age use language on SNS in a similar way or in an age-specific manner.

    The purpose of the study was:
    1. to record the contemporary language use of South Tyrolean German in the new media (cf. the DiDi Corpus)
    2. to describe the everyday usage of language of South Tyrolean SNS users with L1 German with respect to their choice of languages and varieties as well as with respect to their usage of specific cmc phenomena.

    Please see the "Publications" for detailed descriptions of the project and its results.

    The DiDi Corpus

    The DiDi corpus has an overall size of around 650.000 Tokens gathered from 136 South Tyrolean Facebook users who participated in the DiDi project. It consists of 11.102 Facebook wall posts, 6.507 wall comments and 22.218 private messages. All messages were written by the participants throughout the year 2013. Please read the fulldescription of the corpus for further details. Please consider also the description of the method of data collection and the full description of the DiDi project and its research questions.

    As every participant could offer either his/her private messages, his/her texts on the wall or both, the corpus comprises wall posts and wall comments from 130 profiles and private messages of 56 profiles; 50 participants granted access to both types of data. Free access to the corpus is given to the wall posts and comments. Due to privacy issues the access to the private messages is restricted. Access to the private messages can be given for scientific research only, after signing a non-disclosure agreement. In case you are interested in the data for scientific reasons, please contact the research team.

    All texts were anonymised in order to guarantee that the participants' identity cannnot be infered from the texts. The anonymisation included person names, group names, geographical names and adjectival references, institution names, hyperlinks, mail addresses, phone numbers, numbers of bank accounts, servers, postal codes and other private information. Please, read the anonymisation document for the anonymisation keys.

    The corpus offers a vast range of research opportunities for linguists that are interested in CMC in general, and more specific in multilingual language use, the use of regional varieties, code switching, code shifting and code mixing phenomena, etc.

    Access to the DiDi corpus via ANNIS:

    Corpus download via Eurac Research Clarin Centre:

    Dialektale Sprachrealitäten über CMC-Korpora erleben: Das DiDi-Korpus zur internetbasierten Kommunikation aus Südtirol im DaZ-Unterricht
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC (2023)
    Journal article
    Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache

    Das DiDi‐Korpus: Internetbasierte Kommunikation aus Südtirol
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC (2020)
    Contribution in book
    Deutsch in Sozialen Medien

    Using Data Mining to Repurpose German Language Corpora. An evaluation of data-driven analysis methods for corpus linguistics
    Frey J (2020)
    PhD thesis

    How FAIR are CMC Corpora?
    König A, Frey JC, Stemle EW (2019)

    Conference: 7th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora19) | Cergy-Pontoise | 9.9.2019 - 10.9.2019

    Comparison of Automatic vs. Manual Language Identification in Multilingual Social Media Texts
    Frey JC, Stemle E, Doğruöz AS (2019)
    Contribution in book
    Building computer-mediated communication corpora for socio-linguistic analysis

    How FAIR are CMC corpora?
    Frey JC, König A, Stemle E (2019)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: 7th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora19) | Cergy-Pontoise | 9.9.2019 - 10.9.2019

    More information: ...

    Das DiDi-Korpus: internetbasierte Kommunikation aus Südtirol
    Frey J, Glaznieks A (2019)

    Conference: 55. Jahrestagung des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache | Mannheim | 12.3.2019 - 14.3.2019

    DIDI - The DiDi Corpus of South Tyrolean CMC 1.0.0
    Frey JC, Glaznieks A, Stemle EW (2019)

    More information:

    The myth of the Digital Native? Analysing language use of different generations in Facebook
    Frey JC, Glaznieks A (2018)
    Conference proceedings article
    Der plurilinguale Sprecher in Facebook. Neue Medien und Pluriliteracy in Südtirol
    Frey JC (2018)

    Conference: 4th LRI Workshop for young academics "Language Policy - Language Use - Language Standard" | Meran | 7.6.2018 - 8.6.2018

    Becoming a multilingual speaker. New Media and pluriliteracy in South Tyrol
    Frey JC (2018)

    Conference: Round table "Social Net(work)s in Education and Language Sciences" | Heidelberg | 15.6.2018 - 15.6.2018

    Pluriliteracy on Social Media. The Multilingual Practices of South Tyroleans on Facebook
    Frey JC (2018)

    Conference: Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts | Dublin | 2.2.2018 - 4.2.2018

    The myth of the Digital Native: Analysing language use of different generations on Facebook
    Frey JC, Glaznieks A (2018)

    Conference: 6th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora18) | Antwerp | 17.9.2018 - 18.9.2018

    Sociolinguistic research using the DiDi corpus of South Tyrolean CMC: From corpus-based research designs to computational linguistic challenges
    Frey CF, Stemle EW, Glaznieks A (2018)

    Conference: 44. Österreichische Linguistiktagung 2018 (ÖLT2018) | Innsbruck | 26.10.2018 - 28.10.2018

    Experteninterview: We viel "Emojion" verträgt unsere Sprache?
    Abel A, Frey JC (2018)
    Zett: Die Zeitung am Sonntag
    Dialekt als Norm? Zum Sprachgebrauch Südtiroler Jugendlicher auf Facebook
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC (2018)
    Contribution in book
    Jugendsprachen/Youth Languages: Aktuelle Perspektiven internationaler Forschung/Current Perspectives of International Research

    The Myth of the Digital Native: Analysing language use of different generations on Facebook
    Frey JC, Glaznieks A (2018)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: 6th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora18) | Antwerp | 17.9.2018 - 18.9.2018

    More information: ...

    Think Global, Write Local – Patterns of Writing Dialect on SNS
    Glaznieks A (2017)
    Geschriebener Dialekt in Südtiroler Facebooktexten
    Glück A, Glaznieks A (2017)
    A data mining approach to digital age
    Frey J (2017)

    Conference: DIT Postgraduate Research Workshop | Forlì | 6.7.2016 - 6.7.2016

    Think Global, Write Local: Patterns of Writing Dialect on SNS
    Glaznieks A (2017)
    Conference proceedings article

    Proceedings of the 5th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities
    Stemle E, Wigham C (2017)
    Bolzano: Eurac Research
    Edited book

    More information:

    Connecting Resources: Which Issues have to be Solved to Integrate CMC Corpora from Heterogeneous Sources and for Different Languages?
    Beißwenger M, Wigham CR, Etienne C, Fišer D, Suárez HG, Herzberg L, Hinrichs E, Horsmann T, Karlova-Bourbonus N, Lemnitzer L, Longhi J, Lüngen H, Ho-Dac L, Parisse C, Poudat C, Schmidt T, Stemle E, Storrer A, Zesch T (2017)
    Bolzano, Italy
    Conference proceedings article
    Proceedings of the 5th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities

    More information:

    DiDi Corpus
    Stemle EW (2017)
    Duisburg, Germany

    Conference: Integrating a new type of language resource into the Digital Humanities landscape| French-German colloquium on standards for corpora of computer-mediated communication | Duisburg : 19.6.2017 - 20.6.2017

    More information:

    Mehrsprachigkeit auf Südtirols Social-Media-Profilen
    Frey J (2016)

    Conference: Work in Progress Linguistics Colloquium Eurac Research/Free University of Bolzano | Bozen | 11.6.2015 - 11.6.2015

    The DiDi Corpus of South Tyrolean CMC Data: A multilingual corpus of Facebook texts
    Frey J, Glaznieks A, Stemle EW (2016)

    Conference: Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CliC-it 2016) | Naples | 5.12.2016 - 6.12.2016

    DiDi: A multilingual corpus of non-public South Tyrolean computer-mediated communication
    Frey J (2016)

    Conference: UCREL Summer School in corpus-based NLP | | 10.7.2016 - 15.7.2016

    The DiDi Corpus of South Tyrolean CMC Data: A multilingual corpus of Facebook texts
    Frey J, Glaznieks A, Stemle EW (2016)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CliC-it 2016) | Naples | 5.12.2016 - 6.12.2016

    More information:

    "Bitte deutsch schreiben!" Multilingual and diglossic - a linguistic description of South Tyrolean Facebook users
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC (2015)

    Conference: Multilingualism in the Digital Age | Reading | 19.6.2015 - 19.6.2015

    The DiDi Corpus of South Tyrolean CMC Data
    Frey J, Glaznieks A, Stemle EW (2015)

    Conference: 2nd Workshop of the Natural Language Processing for Computer-Mediated Communication / Social Media| NLP4CMC at GSCL 2015 | Essen : 28.9.2015 - 29.9.2015

    The DiDi Project: Collecting, Annotating, and Analysing South Tyrolean Data of Computer-mediated Communication.
    Stemle EW (2015)

    Conference: ird-cmc-rennes | International Research Days: Social Media and CMC Corpora for the eHumanities | Rennes : 23.10.2015 - 24.10.2015

    More information:

    The DiDi Corpus of South Tyrolean CMC Data
    Frey J, Glaznieks A, Stemle EW (2015)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: 2nd Workshop of the Natural Language Processing for Computer-Mediated Communication / Social Media| NLP4CMC at GSCL 2015 | Essen : 28.9.2015 - 29.9.2015

    Zum Projekt DiDi - Digital Natives - Digital Immigrants
    Frey J (2014)
    Wie schreibt Südtirol auf Facebook?
    Frey JC (2014)

    Conference: 1. LRI Workshop "Sprache - Region - Identität in der computervermittelten Kommunikation | Meran | 13.6.2014 - 14.6.2014

    Code-Switching on Facebook Wall Posts of Bilingual German-speaking South Tyroleans
    Stuckey N, Frey J (2014)

    Conference: 41. Österreichische Linguistiktagung (ÖLT 2014), Universität Wien | Vienna | 6.12.2014 - 8.12.2014

    Collecting language data of non-public social media profiles
    Frey J, Glaznieks A, Stemle EW (2014)

    Conference: Workshop “NLP 4 CMC| Natural Language Processing for Computer-Mediated Communication / Social Media” at the 12th edition of KONVENS | Hildesheim : 8.10.2014 - 10.10.2014

    Collecting language data of non-public social media profiles
    Frey J, Stemle EW, Glaznieks A (2014)
    Hildesheim: Universitatsverlag Hildesheim, Germany
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: Workshop “NLP 4 CMC| Natural Language Processing for Computer-Mediated Communication / Social Media” at the 12th edition of KONVENS | Hildesheim : 8.10.2014 - 10.10.2014

    More information: ...

    The Project DIDI. Writing on Social Network Sites – A Corpus-based Observation of the Current Language Use in South Tyrol, with Particular Consideration of the Writers' Age
    Glaznieks A, Stemle EW (2013)
    The Project DIDI. Writing on Social Network Sites – A Corpus-based Observation of the Current Language Use in South Tyrol, with Particular Consideration of the Writers’ Age. Talk at the international workshop "Building Corpora of Computer-Mediated Communi
    Glaznieks A, Stemle EW (2013)

    Conference: International Workshop "Building Corpora of Computer-Mediated Communication| Issues, Challenges, and Perspectives" | Dortmund : 14.2.2013 - 15.2.2013

    Herausforderungen bei der automatischen Verarbeitung von dialektalen IBK-Daten
    Glaznieks A, Stemle EW (2013)

    More information: ...

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