Eurach Research
Research SupportMSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship in Eurac Research
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship in Eurac Research

Credit: Eurac Research | Claudia Corrent

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship in Eurac Research

A tailor-made online training and support for researchers interested in applying for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship hosted by Eurac Research

    & Figures

    Proposals Submitted (since 2016)
    MSCA Fellowships & Seals of Excellence awarded
    Ongoing MSCA Fellowship & Seal of Excellence Projects

    Since 2016, the Research Support Office has offered guidance to postdoctoral researchers from across the globe to work together with Eurac Research on their applications for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship. The researchers have an opportunity to develop their fellowship proposal together with senior researchers from Eurac Research, learn from current MSCA Fellows in Eurac Research, and are trained by our MSCA experts on the dos-and-don'ts of the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship proposal. Our MSCA experts also accompany the researchers through the writing and fine-tuning of their fellowship proposals until the submission deadline.

    Join us online for the Eurac Research MSCA-PF Info Session taking place on April 2, 2025 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. CET to find out more about MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Eurac Research.

    Following the Info Session, we invite all researchers interested in applying for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship with Eurac Research as their host institution to submit their expression of interest (the template will be available soon). The deadline for submission is May 12, 2025.

    Eurac Research MSCA-PF Info Session

    The Eurac Research MSCA-PF Info Session provides valuable insights into the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship programme, the application process, and the opportunities to join Eurac Research with the MSCA Programme.

    In addition to the general overview of the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship, we will present Eurac Research and our main research areas. Building on our established experience as a host organization for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellows, we will explain the application process and present the support we can offer to researchers during proposal preparation. We have also invited current MSCA Fellows to share their experience of the application phase and their journeys as MSCA Fellows in Eurac Research.

    The Info Session welcomes all researchers who meet the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship eligibility criteria and wish to learn more about the opportunity to become a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow in Eurac Research.

    The online Eurac Research MSCA-PF Info Session is taking place on April 2, 2025 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. CET

    Registration: Please register for the event at this link.

    MSCA-PF in Eurac Research - Who can apply

    The programme is open to PhD-degree holders who want to apply for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship with Eurac Research as a host. To be eligible for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship, a researcher must hold a PhD degree, have maximum 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research, measured from the date of award of the doctoral degree, and comply with the “mobility rule” (must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Italy for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline (September 10, 2025).

    For a detailed overview of the eligibility conditions of the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship grants, please also consult the Work Programme and the Guide for Applicants.

    We are looking for postdoctoral researchers with excellent CV and promising research track record. Applicants are expected to be open minded and willing to collaborate with Eurac Research and our researchers when defining their proposed MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship projects.

    MSCA-PF in Eurac Research - How to participate

    Following the online Info Session on April 2, we invite all researchers interested in applying for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship with Eurac Research as their host institution to submit their expression of interest. The deadline for submission is May 12, 2025 and the template will be available soon.

    Before submitting their expression of interest, researchers should familiarize themselves with the various Institutes and Centers in Eurac Research and ask a researcher from one of the Institutes or Centers to serve as their supervisor. The support of a supervisor from Eurac Research is necessary for submitting the expression of interest.

    You are welcome to propose your own MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship project idea but we also provide a list of pre-defined topics and research fields (see below the PDF file) that have been identified as priority areas for consideration by some of our Institutes and our researchers willing to serve as supervisors.

    MSCA-PF in Eurac Research - What we offer

    Participating researchers will receive training materials, personalized support and guidance, both from their supervisors and our MSCA experts. Our MSCA experts will accompany the researchers through the writing and fine-tuning of their fellowship proposals until the submission deadline on September 10, 2025.

    For further details, please contact us at You can find the privacy policy regarding the MSC Week here.

    MSCA-PF in Eurac Research - Timeline

    The MSCA-PF Fellowship Application Process at Eurac Research

    Eurac Research as a Host for MSCA-PF

    Eurac Research is a private research centre, founded in Bozen in 1992. The Eurac Research’s initial focus was on the areas of language and law, minorities and autonomies, and the Alpine environment. However, over time the centre has extended its research into other disciplines, attracting researchers from all over the world and opening up new facilities. Eurac Research’s goal is to improve life for future generations. Often, in response to regional problems, the centre develops concrete solutions that can be applied globally, and explores new avenues of scientific research to meet people’s needs. Eurac Research is part of several international research networks with partnerships in more than 50 countries. The centre collaborates with the Alpine Convention, the Carpathian Convention, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), as well as with several space agencies. Today, about 600 collaborators from over 45 countries work at Eurac Research. Our research is concerned with three major themes: regions fit for living in, a healthy society, and diversity as a life-enhancing factor. We pursue these objectives with determination: ∙ Mitigate and adapt to climate change ∙ Manage resources responsibly ∙ Reduce risks associated with natural hazards ∙ Understand and prevent illnesses, towards personalised medicine ∙ Prevent accidents and optimise rescue operations ∙ Understand better the development of humankind ∙ Preserve biodiversity ∙ Encourage political participation and social integration ∙ Promote multilingualism ∙ Take advantage of the opportunities created by the digital transformation

    Seal of Excellence Funding

    All proposals submitted to MSCA-PF which score 85% or above in the evaluation but are not funded due to a lack of budget are automatically awarded the Seal of Excellence . This is a quality label awarded to project proposals by the European Commission to help these proposals find alternative funding.

    The Province of Bolzano offers funding for the implementation of MSCA-PF proposals that have been awarded the Seal of Excellence. To receive funding from the Province of Bolzano, such projects must be implemented at one of the local research performing institutions (eg. Eurac Research). Project proposals that were prepared and submitted for evaluation with a host institution outside the Province of Bolzano and received the Seal of Excellence are also eligible for this provincial funding if the fellow finds a suitable host institution and supervisor in the province.

    Testimonials of current and past MSCA fellows and Seal of Excellence recipients in Eurac Research


    "My project, STEMCo, is a 36-month participatory action research project focused on language-in-education policies and ideologies in Italian secondary schools. It is both my first postdoctoral project and my first research project funded by the European Commission. After having been outside of academia for over a year while at home with a new baby (overlapping with the start of the pandemic), I was unsure about how I would invest the necessary time and energy to dreaming up a research project, finding a new host institute in a foreign country, writing a proposal, and generally re-entering the academic world. However, I was fortunate enough to have found both the team of researchers at the Institute for Applied Linguistics, who have provided an intellectual home for my project, and Eurac’s Research Support Office (RSO), to whom I credit much of the success of my proposal. Now a year into my project, I continue to feel supported by the convivial nature of exchange at the Institute, by the experience and expertise of the RSO, and by the nature of the MSCA funding scheme which grants me freedoms and opportunities I would not have obtained via other postdoctoral collaborations." -- See more about Andrea Leone Pizzighella's project here.

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    "When I first heard about MSCA proposals I was intimidated by the high number of applicants and low chances of being funded. Attending the MSC Week, however, gave me the background knowledge and crucial information needed to succeed in the application process. During the writing stage, the MSC Week-team provided great help and precious hints to improve my proposal and address all key-elements required for an excellent evaluation. In return for the intensive proposal writing, I am now rewarded with a project tailored perfectly to my career needs: my ongoing MSCA-Fellowship at the institute of Alpine Environment is giving me the chance to expand my expertise on soil microbial ecology by two novel aspects, ecological field surveys and soil faunal biodiversity. Together with the host’s local partners and my secondment host I am joining these disciplines through the investigation of microbial and faunal activities in alpine soil habitats and the resulting soil respiration rates." Find out more about Magdalena Nagler's project here, or on the project website.

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    "I was looking for an institution that could support my grant proposal for coming back to Europe after a postdoc in North America and I stumbled upon the MSC Week offered by Eurac Research. I already had some broad ideas on topics for a research project but the participation to the MSC Week was pivotal to concretize my plans. Beyond receiving critical support for the writing of the proposal, the event was also a fine opportunity to know the host institution and to receive key feedbacks by the potential supervisor and colleagues. Exchanging ideas and experience with peers was also a stimulating occasion to boost my motivation for applying and committing myself into writing a solid research application for such competitive MSCA fellowship. Thanks also to the MSC Week, I now can develop my line of research at the Institute of Alpine Environment through the REINFORCE project. This MSC Action combines my expertise in forest ecology and dynamic modelling with the institute’s knowhow on landscape ecology and ecosystem service to assess integrated forest management strategies in mountain forests under global change." You can check out Marco Mina's project here. Marco completed his project on November 6, 2023.

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    “When I participated in the MSC Week in Eurac Research, I already had a clear project idea and an understanding that the Institute for Renewable Energy was the right host for my research project. The MSC Week allowed me to build on that basis and elaborate a proposal that showed the perfect match between my project and the host and addressed also the main objectives of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships program. The competences in proposal writing I learned during the MSC Week allowed me to refine my proposal to the effect that today I have been awarded funds to pursue my project ADAPTIVE HOUSING: Solutions for Adaptive and Resilient Low-Energy Housing under Climate Change Scenarios. Besides the imparting technical proposal writing knowledge, the Research Support Office also created a pleasant and highly stimulating environment during the MSC Week and proposal preparation." -- Linda Toledo

    Project end date: 31.12.2024

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    “My journey to discover genes related to chronic kidney disease has been fully supported by the Seal of Excellence funding offered by the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano. This project started from my MSCA individual fellowship application and the MSCA Week was important for putting that together. The Research Support Office provided us an intense and interactive five-day course about MSCA fellowships, including a detailed explanation of the proposal contents. Although I already had experience in obtaining research funding in Japan, this course was very useful and stimulating. The most interesting aspect was to realize the importance of matching the expertise of the applicant and the host. This was, and continues to be, beneficial in terms of reviewing my own strengths and considering my future research plans. I am very grateful to all the staff involved in MSCA application and my host researcher in Eurac Research, Dr.Cristian Pattaro." -- Ryosuke Fujii (Ryosuke Fujii completed his project on October 3, 2023.)

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    "MSCA Fellowship has provided an excellent framework for realizing my interests in interdisciplinary research, merging my core competence in cartography and visual analytics with the Eurac’s expertise in Big Data infrastructure and data-driven solutions. Within my fellowship, I aim to extend the visual analytics approach with a structural way of data organization (ontologies), data mining, and visualization techniques to retrieve knowledge from the agricultural and environmental data, e.g., the apple variety testing program in South Tyrol. Close cooperation and focus on two-way knowledge transfer allow me to gain new expertise through in-house seminars and extend my scientific network with the host’s local (Laimburg Research, UniBZ) and international partners (MISTEA INRA, France). Although my fellowship had started during the lockdown period, which applied certain restrictions on the mobility plan, I could dedicate more time to establish closer cooperation with the local partners and become involved in field campaigns. I am grateful for the excellent support during the MSC Week Week at Eurac Research, and it gave me all the knowledge and confidence for the grant application." You can check out Ekaterina Chuprikova my project here

    Project end date: 28.04.2024

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    "While working interdisciplinary in regional research after my PhD, I had an idea brewing for a research proposal on the institutional aspect of innovation in peripheries, which hadn’t yet been addressed in EU funding calls. I was always attracted to the openness and excellent conditions of the MSCA programme, and saw it as the best option for seizing the opportunity to research this topic. I was also aware of Eurac’s experience and reputation in similar EU funded projects, and considered South Tyrol to be an attractive and interesting location to study innovation in peripheries. When I found the advertisement for the MSCA Week, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to develop the research concept within a well structured programme, take advantage of Eurac's support and advice, and set a timeline and goals for completing the grant application. The external review and feedback from experienced grant evaluators was also instrumental in polishing the application, leading to its success. The overall process was motivating and rewarding." Read more about Bradley Loewen's project here. Bradley Loewen concluded his project on October 13, 2023.

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    “The MSCA-Week allowed me to learn more about preparing a high-level project proposal, to meet my supervisor, and to tailor my idea in a concrete project proposal. My project TEMPLINK is focusing on predicting the ground surface temperature based on numerical modeling and satellite images. The MSC Week brought together researchers working on an impressive range of topics and created a remarkable environment where everyone learned from everyone. The support continued for the entire preparation period and I received helpful feedback that improved my proposal and allow me to achieve the Seal of Excellence and receive Seal of Excellence funding from the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano." You can check out Raul Serban's project here. Raul Serban completed his project on November 15, 2023.

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    “The Bolivian Mummy project ‘MUMBO’ is the first systematic bioarchaeological study of mummified remains from Bolivia. The interdisciplinary project combines Computer Tomography scanning, ancient DNA and metagenomics analyses of ancient Bolivian mummies to provide the scientifically best possible historical overview of these precious pre-Columbian remains. ‘MUMBO’ would not have been possible without the training, support, and guidance during the MSC Week at Eurac Research and the Seal of Excellence funding I received from the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano. I feel privileged to work in collaboration with the Institute for Mummy Studies, the worldwide only research institute with focus on the analysis of mummified human remains. My research combines the institute’s expertise in a unique platform to address fundamental questions for the future preservation of Cultural Heritage in my country." -- Guido Valverde (Guido Valverde completed his project on November 14, 2023.)

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    I decided to apply for an MSCA fellowship because it offered the opportunity to design and shape my own research project, and to boost my career experience, skills and connections, building new (and more stable) opportunities for the future. The first step was to find a host institution with the knowledge, experience, resources, and interest to work on the project with me. I got to know about the MSCA Week at Eurac Research and it seemed to me like a promising indicator of Eurac’s exceptional support, resources, and atmosphere. The opportunities and support I have benefited from at Eurac, and at the Institute for Renewable Energy in particular, since the MSCA Week in 2019 have gone well beyond my expectations. These experiences have been key for my professional development, and for my project “ARTEMIS – An integrated approach to improve the environmental performance of smart cities.” See more about Joana Basto's project here. Joana Bastos concluded her project on March 30, 2023.

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    “Snowline4DailyWater aims on improving the understanding of the changes in water supply from glacier melt in Central Asia. A region that lakes detailed in situ observations, especially for the past 2-3 decades. During my PhD studies in applied glaciology, I realized how tying a link to remote sensing experts could improve the data availability for such regions. Having the chance to participate in the Marie Curry Week and interact with earth observation experts in Eurac Research, helped to shape my research project. The Research Support Office then helped me bring those ideas to paper and acquire the Seal of Excellence funding from the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano. In Eurac Research, I have had the chance to focus on my own research, to dive into the research questions and be creative. I have broadened my research skills through modern remote sensing techniques and also improved my communication and project management abilities. For me, this research stay in Eurac Research is an important step in growing my scientific independence and strengthening my career ambitions.” -- Martina Barandun. This project concluded on January 10, 2023.

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    “The MSCA individual fellowships promote knowledge exchange and interdisciplinarity. It was the perfect opportunity to bring my growing expertise in pain neurobiology to the Institute of Biomedicine, while acquiring new technical and project management skills. Face-to-face meeting with my supervisor during the MSCA Week helped to define my project outline and I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the European Commission’s Horizon grants, including that it is not just about the science! These insights will benefit my future funding applications. Throughout the drafting of the proposal, I also received feedback from the Research Support Office, which substantially improved my proposed project. I was awarded a Seal of Excellence and received funding from the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano to pursue my project about determining the role of genetic variants in a potassium channel on pain processing in humans. Eurac Research provides a supportive, friendly and social environment for my research." -- Larissa de Clauser; This project was concluded on May 31, 2023.

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    "I am extremely grateful for the support by the EU H2020 which allowed me to join the lab at the Institute for Biomedicine at Eurac Research. The MSCA Fellowship gave me the opportunity to gain several new organizational skills and, furthermore, to study the pathogenetic mechanisms of the Parkinson’s disease by which we are seeking to identify novel therapeutic targets for this devastating neurological disorder. This project is alive only thanks to the professional team of MSCA Week. They teach you how to write the proposal for MSCA fellowship, help you and instruct you extensively during proposal phase to make sure the proposal is in good shape and finally work with you to take care of the project after receiving the award." You can check out Roman Vozdek's project here. The project concluded on September 1st 2021.

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    "In my research project Alpine Community Economies Lab I mobilize participatory design methods to support alpine communities in addressing cross-cutting concerns of sustainable socio-economic development outlined in the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region and in the Alpine Convention. My research is hosted at the Institute for Regional Development, which is a place with a rich mix of senior and junior researchers working on applied regional development projects from an interdisciplinary and locally-embedded position. The Institute itself, and Eurac Research at large, offer an inspiring context in which researchers can enhance their skills in multiple directions, from management to policy making, public engagement to grant writing, while growing a multidisciplinary and multi-sectorial network for future collaborations. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Week at Eurac Research has been key for the success of my funding application: I came to Eurac from a very different, and in the institution not yet represented field (namely design research), and the week had been instrumental in helping me to figure out how my research interested could meet the interests of the institution in mutually beneficial ways." You can check out Bianca Elzenbaumer's project here. The project concluded on December 10th 2021.

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    “My project would not have materialized if it were not for the MSC Week. During the Week, I learned to write a competitive MSCA fellowship proposal, getting insights from grant experts, evaluators and past fellows. This experience allowed me to get to know my host institution, meet my supervisor and get inputs from colleagues; it was decisive for winning the Seal of Excellence. Thanks to this recognition, I received Seal of Excellence funding from the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano for my project about equalization mechanisms as a tool of territorial integration in multilevel states facing secessionist challenges. My stay at the Institute of Comparative Federalism has not only allowed me to develop my project but to enhance my overall subject-expertise and made me grow as a researcher." -- Francisco Javier Romero Caro; This project concluded on October 4, 2022.

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    "CliRSnow is about providing high-resolution projections of snow cover in the Alps. This is achieved by combining the Institute for Earth Observation’s strengths in remote sensing and machine learning with my expertise in statistics and climate sciences. While we had some rough idea before, the detailed project plan was developed during the Marie-Curie-Week while talking face-to-face to the people at the institute. Thus, besides learning the fundamentals of a Marie-Curie-proposal, the MSC-Week is a great opportunity to get to know your potential host." You can check out Michael Matiu's project here. The project concluded on September 12th 2021.

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    "I arrived at Eurac Research in the summer of 2018 after winning a MSCA-IF based on a project that examines intergovernmental relations in divided societies. Hosted by the Institute for Comparative Federalism, an internationally leading institute in the areas of comparative federalism, I examine how institutions and processes of intergovernmental relations have been used to help manage communal tensions. With a focus on societies that are divided along ethnic, linguistic or religious lies and countries that have adopted autonomy arrangements to deal with those same divisions, my project seeks to identify and develop innovative integrative institutions and processes of intergovernmental relations that can be used to manage communal tensions. The MSC Week was key in formulating a winning proposal. It did not only gave me an opportunity to sit my with prospective supervisors and identify an area of research that aligns with my interest and that of the host institute, it was also a week that gave me insights into what makes a convincing and winning MSCA-IF application. It would not be an exaggeration to say that my potential application would not have been optimized to meet the tough competition had it not been for the discussions I had and the insights I received during the MSC Week." You can check out Yonatan Fessha's project here. The project concluded on August 1st 2021.

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    "At Eurac Research, I wanted to combine my passion for medical ultrasound imaging with a newfound interest in human physiology. The Research Support Office welcomed me with open hands from the very first minute. The team greatly supported me in my application and was always available whenever questions arose. I took advantage of the opportunity for regular meetings and check-ins and asked the team many questions. They showed great patience and provided meaningful tips and tricks. Without the Research Support Office, I would not have scored as highly as I did, and I am thankful that, with their help, I was able to create an independent research identity." You can check out Kai Riemer’s project here.

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    "Working on the HIPEAtMount project at the Center for Climate Change and Transformation has been a key opportunity to focus my research on understanding the impact of climate change on extreme precipitation events in the Alps. Through this project, I have had the opportunity to establish meaningful collaborations with leading institutions such as ETH-SLF in Switzerland, which has significantly enriched the scientific scope of my work. The MSC week provided me with invaluable support in refining my research idea, developing a high-level project proposal and receiving constructive feedback that strengthened my application. This process was crucial for the successful submission, which helped me secure the Seal of Excellence competitive funding from the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen. Definitely, leading this project has been a crucial stepping stone in my research career, significantly enhancing my prospects of securing a permanent research position and developing my own line of research" – Marc Lemus i Cánovas

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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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    Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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