Institutes & Centers

Istituto sui diritti delle minoranze

Istituto sui diritti delle minoranze

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Italiano

In una società caratterizzata dalla diversità, la coesione sociale e la protezione delle minoranze sono sfide cruciali. La diversità della società altoatesina, con il suo modello di autonomia e di tutela dei diritti delle minoranze, rappresenta per il nostro team interdisciplinare un contesto di riferimento per progetti di ricerca e consulenze sul tema delle minoranze in tutto il mondo.

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B-Shapes meeting in Budapest
B-Shapes meeting in BudapestCredit: Eurac Research
Credit: Eurac Research
Europe’s National Minorities - Conference
Europe’s National Minorities - ConferenceCredit: Eurac Research | Sergiu Constantin
Summer School 2023 lesson
Summer School 2023 lessonCredit: Eurac Research | Blythe Gilbert
Credit: Eurac
Credit: Eurac
Credit: Eurac
Credit: Eurac
Credit: Eurac

& Figures

10 con dottorato di ricerca
Progetti in corso
12 con partner internazionali
Pubblicazioni in riviste scientifiche
Contributi in atti di convegno

Research Groups

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  • Autonomies, Boundaries and Identities

    This group combines expertise in political science, law, history and anthropology. It explores the nexus between institutional government and governance ...

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  • Equality and Diversity in Integrated Societies

    This group explores problem-oriented issues related to the comprehensive concept of "integrated society" beyond the threefold traditional categories of ...

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  • Politics and Actors in Societal Conflict

    This group explores minority issues and societal conflicts through the lens of actors and the politics of agency. Its actor-centred research focuses on mobile ...

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News & Events

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Minority Rights HeadlinesInstitute for Minority Rights Newsletter

Minority Rights Headlines includes
• news from the media about minorities all over the world,
• research outputs and publications conducted in the field of minority rights and minority studies,
• upcoming Events regarding conferences, talks and call for papers.

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