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Institute for Mummy Studies - Paleogenetics - News & Events - Genetic Predisposition of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in Ancient Human Remains

02 February 24

Genetic Predisposition of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in Ancient Human Remains

Our researchers have published a new paper in the journal Annals of Global Health to enlighten the genetic burden of our ancestors for the not just modern disease atherosclerosis, with our PhD student Christina Wurst as first author.

  • English
altCredit: Christina Wurst | Christina Wurst | All rights reserved
Mummified individuals and workflow of the study

To gain a better understanding of the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), a genetic tool was developed to investigate the prevalence of disease-associated mutations in ancient human populations. Therefore, the physical occurrence of calcified plaques in 22 mummified remains from four different continents (CT scans) was compared with their genetic predisposition based on a newly designed targeted enrichment capture and calculated polygenic risk scores (PRS).

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