Eurach Research

PV Operation & Maintenance Lab

Laboratory for research and industry designed to study advanced Operation & Maintenance strategies on PV systems

    The outdoor Operation&Maintenance (O&M) lab of Eurac Research is designed to study advanced O&M strategies intended as the reduction of failure time through advanced data driven monitoring and field inspection.

    In this lab it's possible to:

    • develop and test novel non-intrusive characterisation techniques (for e.g. daylight photoluminescence)
    • test innovative features from inverters (for e.g. automatic EL and PL),
    • deploy robotic solutions for the automatisation of O&M workflow
    • applicate disruptive generative AI based concepts to revolutionise the sector.

    The lab can be used among others application to study also the effectiveness of cleaning strategies, tracking algorithms, IoT sensing solutions, and emerging issues related to agriPV such as validation of light models, water catchment and integration with hail nets.

    This infrastructure has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, project TRUST PV, grant agreement N952957.

    Pictures of the O&M lab, outdoor area NOI Techpark

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    Credit: Fanni Fazekas | Noi Techpark | All rights reserved

    Credit: Fanni Fazekas | Noi Techpark | All rights reserved

    Credit: Fanni Fazekas | Noi Techpark | All rights reserved

    Credit: Fanni Fazekas | Noi Techpark | All rights reserved

    Credit: Fanni Fazekas | Noi Techpark | All rights reserved

    Credit: Fanni Fazekas | Noi Techpark | All rights reserved

    Credit: Fanni Fazekas | Noi Techpark | All rights reserved

    Credit: Fanni Fazekas | Noi Techpark | All rights reserved

    Credit: Fanni Fazekas | Noi Techpark | All rights reserved

    Credit: Fanni Fazekas | Noi Techpark | All rights reserved

    Credit: Fanni Fazekas | Noi Techpark | All rights reserved

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