Eurach Research

About us

Our research addresses the greatest challenges of the future: keeping societies healthy, fostering intact environments, promoting sustainable energy and developing well-functioning political and social systems. Seeking answers through interaction between a variety of disciplines, we develop concrete solutions for regional problems which can then be applied globally. We continually strive to open new paths with science and innovation, by responding to society’s complex questions with answers geared to the needs of people.

    & Figures

    Staff members
    Ongoing EU projects
    Scientific publications
    Third party funding

    See evolution in numbers for some categories.

    What we do

    We develop concrete solutions for regional problems which can then be applied globally. We continually strive to open new paths with science and innovation, by responding to society’s complex questions with answers geared to the needs of people.

    What makes us different

    To undertake research is to challenge conventional ways of thinking and to transcend limitations. Our open enterprise culture and flat organizational structure allow this investigative spirit to develop in the best possible interdisciplinary way, and with curiosity, enthusiasm, courage and perseverance we highlight problems from all possible angles and thereby arrive at exceptional solutions.

    Who we work with

    We are linked to research networks all over the world with partners in more than 50 countries, on five continents. The research center collaborates with international organizations such as the Alpine and Carpathian Conventions, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the European Space Agency (ESA) along with several other space agencies. It is also an official duty station of the United Nations and the only Italian headquarter of UNU (the United Nations University).Eurac Research furthermore cooperates with the Council of Europe and other European institutions.

    Our history

    Eurac Research was founded in 1992 as an association under private law with just twelve members of staff undertaking research in the areas of Language and Law, Minorities and Autonomous Regions as well as the Alpine Environment. The center gradually expanded its activities into new areas, attracted scientists from all over the world, and introduced new structures. Today, over 600 collaborators from almost 50 countries conduct their research at Eurac Research

    Our goals

    • Mitigate and adapt to climate change
    • Manage resources responsibly
    • Reduce risks associated with natural hazards
    • Understand and prevent illnesses, towards personalised medicine
    • Prevent accidents and optimise rescue operations
    • Understand better the development of humankind
    • Preserve biodiversity
    • Encourage political participation and social integration
    • Promote multilingualism
    • Take advantage of the opportunities created by the digital transformation
    altCredit: Eurac Research | Oscar Diodoro

    Activity Report

    Every year, we look in the mirror and study our reflection for changes. We recount the highlights, distill the most significant numbers, and feature select stories


    Management, Structure, Scientific Advisory Councils, By-Laws

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    Amministrazione trasparente

    Amministrazione trasparente: è il fondamento di tutta la struttura organizzativa di Eurac Research. Decisioni e processi sono resi pubblici.

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    Credit: Eurac Research

    Administrative Departments

    Communication, Research Support Office, Health Safety & Environment, Facility Management, Legal Office, Procurement, Information Technologies, Controlling & Accountancy, Human Resources, Statistics Office, Representing Offices

    Calls for tenders and contracts

    This page publishes the data provided for in Article 37 of Legislative Decree No 33/2013, in the manner laid down by the AVCP (Authority for the Supervision of Public Contracts for Works, Services and Supplies)

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    Open Access, Intellectual Property, Ethics, Sustainability, Gender Equality

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    Ethics Review Board

    Eurac Research is committed to conducting research with respect for the dignity and integrity of humans, animals, and the environment.

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    Facts & Figures

    The evolution of numbers. Eurac Research's growth over time, depicted through different categories of data.

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    Credit: Eurac Research | Oskar Da Riz

    Locations & Infrastructure

    Eurac Research is located in the Italian Autonomous Province of Bolzano, South Tyrol. The center comprises two headquarters both of which are interesting from an architectural point of view due to their history as well as their appearance.

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    Eurac Research logo

    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

    No Woman No Panel

    What we do

    Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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