Informations: T +39 0471 055 055
Publisher: Eurac Research
Director in charge: Stephan Ortner
Editorial team: Sigrid Hechensteiner (Editor-in-Chief), Martin Angler, Barbara Baumgartner, Valentina Bergonzi, Giovanni Blandino, Laura Defranceschi, Andrea De Giovanni, Uta Fritsch, Sarah Gunsch, Daniela Mezzena, Elena Munari, Francesca Taponecco, Valeria von Miller, Rachel Wolffe
Graphic: Chiara Mariz
Illustrations: Oscar Diodoro
Picture editorial office: Annelie Bortolotti, Fabio Dalvit
Animations: Fabio Dalvit
Web: Thomas Iacopino, Martin Palma
Organisation: Cinzia Bettella
Concept: Thomas Iacopino, Matthias Mühlberger
Editorial office: Drususallee 1, 39100 Bozen
T +39 0471 055 055
F +39 0471 055 099
Contributions marked by name do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editors. Reprinting - even in extracts - is only permitted with reference to the source. Information on the image material in the caption. The publisher is prepared to pay eventual rights of use for the image material whose source is unknown to him.