
Isaure Vorstman

Isaure Vorstman


Isaure Vorstman is a historian with a dual background in European and Eurasian history and political science at the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on the historical development of nationalism and nationhood. Specifically, she studies the fate of the multitude of peoples in Europe who ended up not “fitting” in these often-narrow definitions of national identity; those whose cultural, linguistic, geographic, and/or religious background leads them to be considered a separate, “minority” or “outsider” group. These interests led her to work as an intern at Eurac Research over the summer of 2022.

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Diasporic identities and the shadow of nation-states. The case of the Pontian GreeksScience Blog
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Diasporic identities and the shadow of nation-states. The case of the Pontian Greeks

Isaure VorstmanIsaure Vorstman