
Rosa Gatti

Rosa Gatti


Rosa Gatti is currently post-doc research fellow at the Department of Political Science of the University of Naples Federico II, whose individual research program focuses on “Citizenship paths and socio-political inclusion processes of migrants: gender and generational differences”, included in the “Immigration, integration, settlement. Italian-Style” Prin 2017 national project. She obtained her PhD in Social and Statistical Sciences at the Department of Social Sciences of the same University with a thesis entitled “Gender, Migration and Citizenship. The civic and political participation of migrant women. The case of Naples”. Her main research interests focus on the study of contemporary migration processes with particular attention to gender dynamics and issues related to civic and political participation of migrants. Previously she was adjunct professor of Sociology of Migration at the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II. She is a member of some national and international scientific associations and networks (AIS; AtGender; ECPR; ESA; IMISCOE). In addition, she regularly collaborates with Idos Study and Research Center, as editor of the Immigration Statistical Dossier (Dossier Statistico Immigrazione).

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Passive or active subjects? Immigrants’ political participation in ItalyScience Blog
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Passive or active subjects? Immigrants’ political participation in Italy
