
Sonja Heitzer

Sonja Heitzer


Sonja Heitzer is a PostDoc researcher in law at the University of Munich. Her PhD "Messing with the Regulator" examines the reasons which prevent banks and other commercial enterprises from seeking legal proceedings against state agencies. Her main research interests include constitutional law, administrative law, financial markets and climate change. She studied law in Regensburg (1st state examination), Sheffield (Erasmus) and London (LL.M.) and completed her bar exam in Munich. Her special interest in the Balkan region led her to the German Embassy in Bucharest (traineeship) and to Skopje (Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow).

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One way or another: How local governments go digitalScience Blog
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One way or another: How local governments go digital

Sonja HeitzerSonja Heitzer