
#EUSEA23 - the science engagement conference

Pathfinders on a Mission: Exploring Engagement in a Complex World

  • English
  • Date: 03-04.05.2023
  • Place: Eurac Research, viale Druso 1, 39100 Bolzano/Bozen
  • Typology: Conference
alt© Eusea

We live in a world in which challenges seem to be increasingly complex and where solutions can only be found in interconnected ecosystems. Communicating this complexity is key when it comes to stimulating curiosity, engagement and trust in research and innovation processes. But in times of rapid transformation and multiple disruptions, we need more than a translation of research results to “the public”. We need new partnerships, new skills and new methodologies to involve citizens and stakeholders, researchers and policy makers in active co-creation processes.

How best can we embrace change, discover innovative pathways and create new relationships inside and outside academia? These will be questions addressed at #EUSEA23 in Bolzano.