
The role of preprints in scholarly publishing

With Philip N Cohen Professor of Sociology at the University of Maryland and director of SocArXiv A webinar offered by Eurac Research to celebrate Open Access Week 2023

  • English
  • Date: 23.10.2023, 14:30
  • Place: Webinar on Teams

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Professor Cohen's research concerns families and inequality, and public scholarship. He writes about demographic trends, family structure, the division of labor, health disparities, as well as open science and related topics.

Since 2016, he is the founding director of SocArXiv, an open archive for the social sciences, and an advocate for open science in the research community. He often speak on the topic of how scholars can productively engage with our many public audiences, to improve our work and deepen its impact.

He is the author of "Scholarly Communications in Sociology", a primer intended to help sociologists (but useful for researchers in all disciplines) in their careers, while advancing an inclusive, open, equitable, and sustainable scholarly knowledge ecosystem.

His popular textbook, The Family: Diversity, Inequality, and Social Change, is in its third edition. His new book, titled Citizen Scholar, will be published by Columbia University Press. You can read essays as he develops the book here.