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Institut für Erneuerbare Energie - News & Events - INFINITE building renovation: the website is online!

08 Juli 21

INFINITE building renovation: the website is online!

The INFINITE project couples digitalisation and industrialisation to offer tailor-made solutions to decrease retrofit time and costs and foster the adoption of eco-compatible long-lasting products and systems

    Most of European buildings are poorly insulated and consume a considerable amount of energy for heating and cooling. To mitigate the effects of climate change on our cities and meet the targets for decarbonisation by 2050 we should renovate at least 3% of the building stock each year.

    Eurac Research joined forces with 18 organisations and companies representing the whole value chain to boost the building renovation sector and speed up the refurbishment of the European building stock. The INFINITE project couples digitalisation and industrialisation to offer tailor-made solutions to decrease retrofit time and costs and foster the adoption of eco-compatible long-lasting products and systems.

    The project has just launched its new website. Click here to have a look

    INFINITE is expected to unleash the potential of the renovation industry through: · multi-user and multidisciplinary design tools · all-in-one industrialised envelope kits · adaptable managing systems · an interactive search & match platform · a new European Observatory for the Industrialised Deep Renovation (IDR)

    Over the next four years, the solutions developed will be tested in three case studies located in Italy, France, and Slovenia.

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