Eurach Research

AI-D: Adapt. & Interact.Domotic Ecosy.

AI-D: Adapt. & Interact.Domotic Ecosy.

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: finished
    • Funding:
      Provincial P.-L.P. 14. Research projects (Province BZ funding /Project)
    • Total project budget: 363.500,00 €
    • Institute: Institut für Erneuerbare Energie

    AI-D project aims to develop an advanced product ecosystem (hardware, firmware, software and communication infrastructures, adaptive interaction with the user, system monitoring and data management) for home automation applications designed for the renovation of existing buildings within the Würth home automation residential line - “Wüdomo” product sector. The project is part of the R&D program of the “Würth Innovation Hub” at NOI Techpark which was communicated to the Board of the NOI Techpark during the establishment phase.

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