Eurach Research


EU H2020 VARICITIES - Visionäre, natur-basierte Aktionen für Gesundheit, Wohlbefinden und Resilienz in den Städten


    In an increasingly urbanising world, governments and international corporations strive to increase productivity of cities, recognized as economy growth hubs, as well as ensuring better quality of life and living conditions to citizens. Although significant effort is performed by international organisations, researchers, etc. to transform the challenges of Cities into opportunities, the visions of our urban future are trending towards bleak. Social services and health facilities are significantly affected in negative ways owed to the increase in urban populations (70% by 2050). Air pollution and urban exacerbation of heat islands is exacerbating. Nature will struggle to compensate in the future City, as rural land is predicted to shrink by 30% affecting liveability. VARCITIES puts the citizen and the “human community” in the eye of the future cities’ vision. Future cities should evolve to be human centred cities. The vision of VARCITIES is to implement real, visionary ideas and add value by establishing sustainable models for increasing H&WB of citizens (children, women, young people, middle age, elderly) that are exposed to diverse climatic conditions and challenges around Europe (e.g. from harsh winters in Skelleftea-SE to hot summers in Chania-GR, from deprived areas in Novo mesto-SI to increased pollution in Malta) through shared public spaces that make cities liveable and welcoming.

    Augmented Nature-Based Solutions: A Possible Taxonomy of Technologies “in” and “for” Urban Greening Strategies
    Mahmoud I, Morello E, Bisello A, Kolokotsa D (2024)
    Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions: Results of SSPCR 2022

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    Social Return on Investment (SROI) applications on urban planning for conscious decision-making
    The VARCITIES project approach
    Vasiliu EE, Bisello A, Biancifiori S (2024)
    Beitrag in Konferenzband

    Conference: 14th Biennale of European Towns and Town Planners (ECTP-CEU) | Napoli | 22.4.2024 - 24.4.2024

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    Visionary Nature-Based Solutions Evaluated through Social Return on Investment: The Case Study of an Italian Urban Green Space
    Vasiliu EE, Torabi Moghadam S, Bisello A, Lombardi P (2024)
    Smart Cities

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    Rigenerazione urbana green e digitale: così la natura aiuta le persone
    Ballocchi A, [Bisello A] (2022)

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    VARCITIES project: Visionary nature-based actions for health, well-being and resilience in cities
    D´Alonzo V (2021)

    Conference: Urban Thinkers Campus of Mannheim | online | 15.7.2021 - 17.7.2021

    The VARCITIES Project approach
    Bisello A (2021)

    Conference: 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress of City and Regional Planners | Doha | 9.11.2021 - 9.11.2021

    Transizione energetica e innovazione urbana
    Bisello A (2021)

    Conference: Convegno Internazionale BASES - Benessere Ambiente Sostenibilità Energia Salute | Roma | 2.12.2021 - 3.12.2021

    The “human community” in the eye of the future cities’ vision: The VARCITIES Project approach
    Tsekeri E, Kolokotsa D, Lilli A, Calleja K, Quacinella D, Micallef D, Duca E, Bisello A

    Conference: 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress of City and Regional Planners | Doha | 9.11.2021 - 9.11.2021

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