Eurach Research


EU FESR SINCRO - Sensible INteractive ContROl system for smarter buildings

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: finished
    • Funding:
      FESR (EU funding / Project)
    • Total project budget: 499.137,00 €
    • Institute: Institut für Erneuerbare Energie

    The SINCRO project (Sensible INteractive ContROl system for smarter buildings) project aims to develop an interactive, integrated, IoT-based system for optimising the energy management of a building actively incorporating monitoring data, which will provide an provides an optimised control strategy for the heating system. From From an operational point of view, the project has the following objectives: (i) Implementation of an intelligent management system for the heating system that integrates indoor comfort data and user profiles for predicting user prediction of user behaviour; (ii) development of an interactive graphical interactive graphical user interface that is able to actively involve the actively involve users by providing information on energy consumption and information on energy consumption and offering suggestions to the user suggestions to encourage the user to reduce energy consumption; (iii) development of an IT solution for the management of building building data from different sources with different communication communication protocols. The innovative potential of the SINCRO project project stems from the ambition to develop an integrated and non-invasive non-invasive solution that harnesses the power of the new IoT technologies technologies and combines them with a targeted use of the social social connections and relationships already present in the home and business context relationships. This will make an important contribution in terms of sustainability and reduction of energy consumption in buildings generated.

    Technical Article - Human-building interaction in Simulation-aided building design and operation: Opportunities of advanced modelling strategies
    Mahecha Zambrano J, Filippi Oberegger U (2022)

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