Eurach Research


Die EU-Innovationsplattform für intelligentes Bauen


    SmartBuilt4EU will consolidate the Smart Building Innovation Community with, at its core, EU-funded projects, and provide it with a package of supporting activities with two objectives:  - facilitate the exchange of information between EU-funded projects and national initiatives in the field of smart buildings and the related business, policy and media; - coordinate contributions of the Smart Buildings Innovation Community to the SRI promotion, experimentation and implementation and the identification of R&I priorities to accelerate the roll out of smart building innovation, in line with the EPBD. The CSA brings together 5 partners plus 5 linked third parties, with solid complementary expertise and geographical coverage. It is structured in 6 work packages to reach the targeted impacts and unlock the smart building potential, with the Smart Readiness Indicator as key instrument.

    Scientific Output

    Within H2020 SmartBuilt4EU, a series Smart Building solution packages for residential and office buildings were defined, using as a reference the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) method A simplified service catalogue. These solution packages are a combination of smart services implemented at different functionality levels, targeting specific built environment impact areas: 1) Energy efficiency; 2) Comfort, health and well-being; 3) Smart grid readiness; 4) Informed users.

    One of the outputs of the definition and analysis of these 8 Smart Building solution packages is a set of so-called Smart Building Technical Sheets. The objective is to highlight the multiple impacts of implementing smart technologies on the building performances in terms of SRI score and added values.

    Here below a list of pdf templates that collect sets of technology solutions and a "read me" guide for smart buildings, which can be used by those interested in promoting these technologies.

    Presentation of the SmartBuilt4EU project
    Garzia F (2022)

    Conference: Leonardo Energy Webinar| A new generation of instruments and tools to monitor buildings performance | online : 29.3.2022 - 29.3.2022

    Weitere Informationen: ...

    Co-benefits of building automation and control systems: an analysis of smart office buildings
    Garzia F (2022)

    Conference: CLIMA 2022 | Rotterdam | 22.5.2022 - 25.5.2022

    Implementation examples and the testing phase of the Smart Readiness Indicator
    Garzia F (2022)

    Weitere Informationen: ...

    Co-benefits of building automation and control systems
    Garzia F, Van Thillo L, Verbeke S, Pozza C, Audenaert A (2022)
    Beitrag in Konferenzband

    Conference: CLIMA 2022 | Rotterdam | 22.5.2022 - 25.5.2022

    Weitere Informationen:

    Il progetto SmartBuilt4.0EU: una piattaforma europea per l'innovazione degli Smart Building
    Garzia F (2021)

    Conference: Mostra Convegno SAVE - Home & Building - Mostra Convegno Domotica e Building Technologies | Verona | 27.10.2021 - 28.10.2021

    Smart Buildings Future Technologies
    R2M Solution (2021)
    R2M Solution

    Weitere Informationen:

    Co-benefit indicators of Smart Buildings for business case development
    Garzia F (2021)

    Weitere Informationen: ...

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