EU HEU ProLight - Fortschrittliche Leuchtturmdistrikte als grüne Distrikte - Tor zur Nachhaltigkeit (Leadership in Sustainability)
- Project duration: -
- Project status: ongoing
- Funding: Horizon Europe (EU funding / Project)
- Website:
- Institute: Institut für Erneuerbare Energie
European districts play a pivotal role in the achievement of a future low-carbon economy. The envisaged actions of the ProLight project are representative of innovative refurbishment with a large potential for immediate replication of other residential buildings from the municipalities & the social housing involved. ProLight assembles & closely integrates all needed actors & measures. The envisaged solutions will lead to a better quality of life for all targeted end-users. This includes finding suitable social responses for awareness creation, up-take of knowledge, the establishment of behavioral changes towards energy-efficient use & the integration of renewables within an appropriate local political frame. The project combines individual, gender & collective aspects of active and responsible citizenship in an integrated working concept, to conceptualize climate-aware citizens and communities. ProLight exploits the potential of this growing wave of civic engagement and citizen science, in order to facilitate the transition to green, sustainable societies & economies. ProLight achieves this by understanding, defining, measuring & assessing 6 demo districts in different regions of Europe & disseminate effectively project results.
Volpatti M, Mazzola E, Bottero MC, Bisello A (2024)
Weitere Informationen:
Caballero N, Bertolami I, Vasiliu E, Dalle Nogare G, Bisello A (2024)
Beitrag in Konferenzband
Conference: 14th Biennale of European Towns and Town Planners (ECTP-CEU) | Napoli | 22.4.2024 - 24.4.2024
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