Eurach Research


Jakob Volgger

Jakob Volgger


Jakob Volgger is a junior researcher at the Center for Autonomy Experience of Eurac Research. His work there focuses on issues related to autonomy and minority protection in South Tyrol. As part of his activities for the European Association of Daily Newspapers in Minority and Regional Languages (MIDAS), he also studies the topic of minority language media. He is a member of the research network PLURILINGMEDIA.

All Articles

South Tyrol and cross-border broadcasting: from illegal antennas to a streaming app

South Tyrol and cross-border broadcasting: from illegal antennas to a streaming app

Jakob VolggerJakob Volgger
Minority Language Media in Focus at Villa Vigoni

Minority Language Media in Focus at Villa Vigoni

Riding the 'Third Wave': What's New in Minority Language Media Research

Riding the 'Third Wave': What's New in Minority Language Media Research

Jakob VolggerJakob Volgger
FC Südtirol: Unity under one roof?

FC Südtirol: Unity under one roof?


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