
Julia Stauder
Julia Stauder holds a degree in Wildlife Ecology and Wildlife Management and Conservation Biology and Biodiversity management. At the moment, she works as a junior researcher and PhD student at the institute for Regional Development of Eurac Research. Her work focusses on human-nature interactions, especially related to large carnivores return to the Alps and the mitigation of the conflict. In the context of her PhD research, special attention is given to the importance of extensive grazing systems and the revalorization of traditional livestock husbandry systems for livestock protection and landscape preservation.
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From the everyday life of shepherds

Covid-19 zeigt: An Grundlagenforschung zu sparen, können wir uns nicht leisten

What do people think about the return of the wolf to South Tyrol? A case study

Fake News versus Science. A chance to reconnect the wide public to science