
Maria Ferrari
Maria Ferrari is currently a trainee at the Center for Migration and Diversity. She is working on the Center’s social media channels and supporting the team’s communication and activities. With a background in Communication science and European studies, she has a passion for European (and global) cultures and both old and new media. She is interested in how data and narratives can help convey messages to a broader public and influence their outlook on pressing matters such as social diversity, cultural change and human rights, and is also constantly trying to discover new techniques and ideas to present them to everyone inside and outside the academic community.
All Articles

Mare #nostrum: power, media, and the Sea-Watch 3 case

“Io credo nell’America”: l’esperienza migratoria italiana verso gli USA

East, west, is home the best? Eastern European immigrant women in northern Italy in the care sector: the impact of origins on the right to work