Eurach Research


Nicolò Alessi

Nicolò Alessi


Nicolò is a post-doctoral researcher in Comparative Public Law at Institute of Political Science and the World Trade Institute of the University of Bern. He was adjunct professor of Comparative Public Law at the University of Aosta Valley, junior researcher at the Institute for comparative federalism at Eurac research and guest researcher at the Institute of federalism of Fribourg/Freiburg. His main research interests are Italian and Comparative Constitutional Law, Diversity accommodation, Minority Rights, Autonomy Studies, and Federalism. He is sporty and very competitive, but at the same time always grappling with impostor syndrome. His next project: a little semi-serious guide to PhD, which is mainly a cathartic experience.

All Articles

The power of satire in challenging nationalism thinking: “Bon Schuur Ticino” and a tragicomic monolingual Switzerland

The power of satire in challenging nationalism thinking: “Bon Schuur Ticino” and a tragicomic monolingual Switzerland

Nicolò AlessiNicolò Alessi
I found the Swiss federal spirit! It is in Swiss Cinquième Ligue of football

I found the Swiss federal spirit! It is in Swiss Cinquième Ligue of football

Nicolò AlessiNicolò Alessi
Languages in Aosta Valley – Countering old research narratives in political and legal studies

Languages in Aosta Valley – Countering old research narratives in political and legal studies

Nicolò AlessiNicolò Alessi
Languages in Aosta Valley – An initial less conventional picture from the inside

Languages in Aosta Valley – An initial less conventional picture from the inside

Nicolò AlessiNicolò Alessi
Lesbo Island: the EU’s and western legal tradition’s failure

Lesbo Island: the EU’s and western legal tradition’s failure

Nicolò AlessiNicolò Alessi

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