Vox Pop: Angela from Romania

Age: 24
Country of origin: Romania
Country of residence: Romania/Italy
Profession: Graduated law student / Trainee
Q: How does the EU influence your day-to-day life?
A: The EU is a very important actor in our daily life. The influence is seen starting from the free trade of goods and ending with the freedom of movement. The EU facilitates the exchange between all member states, I have felt and still feel this every day. Without this possibility to move freely in any other EU country, it would be more difficult to have an international background and to discover oneself.
Q: When you think about the EU, what is the first picture that comes to your mind?
A: The building of the European Parliament.
Q: End the sentence: “Twenty years from now the EU … “
A: …will maintain the peace between member states and grow more inclusing other states in the big family of Europe.
Q: Choose three adjectives for the EU!
A: Trustworthy, strong, powerful.
Q: Explain the EU to an 8-year-old child (in elementary school) in one sentence.
A: The European Union represents the economic and political union of 28 states in order to give citizens the freedom to move and to leave all member states.
Q: If the EU was an animal, what would it be and why?
A: A lion because it is strong enough to defend all its ‘babies’ and protective of its territory.
Q: Is there a dish (in your country) that describes Europe best, and why?
A: Sarmale, because it is a mix of food (onion, rice, carrot, meat) like the mix of EU member states: different but a good taste.
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