Eurach Research

Vox Pop: Bleona from Italy

Vox Pop: Bleona from Italy
NiceCredit: Unsplash | Paola Cappelletto | All rights reserved

About the Interviewed

Age: 24

Country of origin: Italy

Country of residence: Italy

Profession: Collaborator and assistant to university professor

Q: How does the EU influence your day-to-day life?

A: By having made possible travelling to another EU country without passport or asking for a visa and paying with a single currency. I guess my generation gives these things for granted, but they are not!

Q: When you think about the EU, what is the first picture that comes to your mind?

A: the EU's impact on every citizen (ex. freedom of movement).

Q: End the sentence: “Twenty years from now the EU …“

A: ...will have reached very low emissions, on our way to 2050 zero emissions goal.

Q: Choose three adjectives for the EU!

A: Original, cohesive and sustainable.

Q: Explain the EU to an 8-year-old child in one sentence.

A: The EU is a union of states that cooperate and work together for maintaining peace.

Q: If the EU was an animal, what would it be and why?

A: I think that if the EU was an animal it would be a dove, because I consider it an animal linked to peace and stability: the foundational stones of the EU.

Q: Is there a dish (in your country) that describes Europe best, and why?

A: The dish that I have in mind is not exactly Italian, still it's geographically near, because it's originally from Nice. I believe that ratatouille is a perfect example that represents Europe: the dish (Europe) is composed of different vegetables (states), which combined together create a harmonious flavour (union).


  • Vox Pop
  • Eureka
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