Age: 36
Country of origin: The Netherlands
Country of residence: The Netherlands
Profession: Export and sales manager
Q: How does the EU influence your day-to-day life?
A: Through regulations and opportunities.
Q: When you think about the EU what is the first picture that comes to your mind?
A: The flag with twelve stars.
Q: End the sentence: “Twenty years from now the EU … “
A: …will be expanded with more countries and have more centralized governance of armies etc.
Q: Choose three adjectives for the EU!
A: Cumbersome, non-transparent, supportive.
Q: Explain the EU to an 8-year-old child (in elementary school) in one sentence.
A: The EU is a group of people from several countries in Europe and together they decide on a set of rules every country in the EU should follow.
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