Eurach Research

SDC Project Armenia

lncreasing resilience of the most vulnerable climate-affected communities in Kotayk, Armenia

    Together with colleagues from UNU-EHS IMPACT, Stefan Scheniderbauer and Joerg Szarzynski will conduct a multi-stakeholder workshop on Safeguarding Mountain Communities in Kotayk/Syunik (Armenia) to foster multi-stakeholder dialogue, build partnerships, enhance awareness, and provide insight into the latest global developments around disaster risk reduction (DRR) including eco-system based DRR, climate change adaptation and emergency response preparedness in mountain regions.

    The project has an expected length of 8 months and is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). UNU-EHS' (and GLOMOS') participation represents an opportunity to build new partnerships with the government of Armenia, as well as with a number of actors in the region, including UN agencies, the GIZ, NGOs, and communities in this mountainous Caucasus region.

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