Eurach Research


The role of microbial and invertebrate activities in shaping ALpine SOil RESpiration: current state and future scenarios

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: ongoing
    • Funding:
      Excellence Science (Horizon 2020 /EU funding /Project)
    • Institute: Institute for Alpine Environment

    The belowground production of CO2 in soil represents an important terrestrial carbon source. Being correlated with soil temperature, soil respiration is expected to further intensify climate change in a warming environment. In the Alpine area, soil respiration is expected to change considerably and in a patchy manner, reflecting the effects of climatic conditions, but also of invertebrate and plant root presence/activity. 

    The grand ambition of ALSORES is to provide in-depth knowledge and quantitative information on how microbial and invertebrate communities are influenced by altitude and climate change, and on how microbial activity shapes soil respiration.

    Thereby, I aim to further test the advantages of studying intracellular DNA (iDNA) as opposed to the generally studied environmental DNA (eDNA) when it comes to microbial activity estimation. Being composed by considerable amounts of extracellular DNA, eDNA does not only contain information about intact and active cells (intracellular DNA, iDNA) but also about extracellular DNA from species that might not be recently present. Here, I will study microbial agents actually shaping soil respiration by extracting iDNA, and by comparing the results to eDNA- as well as RNA-based results.

    Summing up, the main aims of ALSORES are to (I) define climate change-related alterations in soil respiration (II) jointly examine soil invertebrates and microorganisms and (III) test iDNA quantification as a proxy for microbial activity and SR.

    Splitting up eDNA opportunities for a more reliable biodiversity monitoring
    Nagler M, Podmirseg SM, Sint D, Ascher-Jenull J, Traugott M (2024)

    Conference: World Biodiversity Forum 2024 | Davos | 14.6.2024 - 20.6.2024

    The role of invertebrate and microbial activities
    Nagler M, Steinwandter M, Bahn M, Seeber J (2024)

    Conference: World Biodiversity Forum 2024 | Davos | 14.6.2024 - 20.6.2024

    Deadwood as a hotspot for biodiversity, better revealed by sequential DNA extraction
    Probst M, Ascher-Jenull J, Podmirseg S, Strobl S, Nagler M, Insam H, Gòmez-Brandòn M (2023)

    Conference: 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference | Dublin | 13.3.2023 - 15.3.2023

    Utilizing Different eDNA Fractions for Enhanced Insights into Soil Biodiversity
    Nagler M, Ascher-Jenull J, Podmirseg S, Strobl S, Steinwandter M, Seeber J (2023)

    Conference: 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference | Dublin | 13.3.2023 - 15.3.2023

    Revisiting microbial soil DNA pools and reevaluating the stories told
    Strobl S, Ascher-Jenull J, Nagler M, Insam H, Marie Podmirseg S (2023)

    Conference: 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference | Dublin | 13.3.2023 - 15.3.2023

    Splitting eDNA in its fractions: Challenges and opportunities for a more reliable molecular biodiversity monitoring
    Nagler M (2023)

    Conference: Vortragsreihe Plattform Biodiversität, Naturmuseum Bozen | Bolzano | 13.9.2023 - 13.9.2023

    [Doppione] The ultrastructure of the apical organ of the Müller's larva of the tiger flatworm Prostheceraeus crozieri
    Dittmann IL, Grosbusch AL, Nagler M, Salvenmoser W, Zankel A, Telford MJ, Egger B (2023)
    Journal article
    Cell Biology International

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