Eurach Research


Eco-Hydrology of alpine watersheds

    The project EcoHydro “Eco-Hydrology of alpine watersheds” is an internal basic-research Eurac project which addresses the important problem of improving the knowledge of the water budget in Alpine environments.

    The focus is on three strategic hydrological parameters, namely Soil Moisture Content (SMC), Evapotranspiration (ET), and Snow Water Equivalent (SWE). They quantify important aspects of the water cycle, i.e., the water storage in and above the soil and the exchange of water with the atmosphere, thus they have a direct and fundamental implication on many climatic and hydrological applications as well as for agriculture, forestry, and other economic activities. In the Alps, spatial and temporal scales reduce, and all climatic and hydrologic dynamics enhance significantly.
    Accurate, reliable, and frequent mapping of SMC, ET, and SWE in this challenging environment thus becomes imperative for a clear understanding of the trends for the next years as well as for building adaptations strategies for water resources management and early response in case of emergency.
    To address this challenging problem, the project aims at developing a novel integrated approach centered on modeling, where hydrologic simulations are used in combination with in-situ measurement and the retrieval from Earth Observation (EO) satellite imagery. The focus is on exploiting through eco-hydrological modeling the observations collected in the last years in the LTER Matsch/Mazia, for more accurate quantification of the water budget components in Alpine Catchments.

    Cambiamento globale nelle regioni di montagna e gli effetti sugli ecosistemi alpini
    Bertoldi G (2021)

    Conference: Seminars Cycle “Il territorio della montagna| fragilità e sviluppo sostenibile” | Online- Milano : 9.1.2021 - 9.1.2021

    Snow: developments and effects in South Tyrol and the Alps
    Matiu M, Bertoldi G, Notarnicola C, Zebisch M (2021)
    Bolzano: Eurac Research

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    Il primo archivio di osservazioni giornaliere di altezza neve al suolo nell’arco alpino: analisi delle tendenze dal 1971 al 2019
    Crespi A, Matiu M, Bertoldi G, Cat Berro D, Cianfarra P, Majone B, Mercalli L, Valt M (2021)
    Journal article

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    Effects of forest cover on water balance in protective forests
    Lechner V, Klingsbigl D, Markart G, Meißl G, Perzl F, Bertoldi G, Scheidl C (2021)

    Conference: 14th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2021 | | 31.5.2021 - 3.6.2021

    A methodical approach to analyze the effect of river morphology and hydrology on fish fauna in the inner-Alpine space
    Schmölz K, Felber A, Mark W, Thaler M, Wieser J, Persiano S, Bertoldi G, Tasser E (2021)

    Conference: EGU General Assembly 2021 | Vienna | 19.4.2021 - 30.7.2021

    An empirical study on the GEOtop hydrological model optimal estimation and uncertainty reduction using supercomputers
    Bertoldi G, Campanella S, Cordano E, Sartori A (2021)

    Conference: EGU General Assembly 2021 | Online | 19.4.2021 - 30.4.2021

    Apple trees, larches and their water uptake: distinct ecohydrological systems in contrasting environmental settings?
    Brighenti S, Bertoldi G, Aguzzoni A, Zanotellii D, Obojes N, Tagliavini M, Zuecco G, Borga M, Penna D, Fabiani G, Comiti F (2021)

    Conference: EGU General Assembly 2021 | Online | 19.4.2021 - 30.4.2021

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    An empirical study on the GEOtop model calibration using supercomputers. 3d Workshop HPC-TRES 11 December 2020
    Campanella S, Bertoldi G, Sartori A (2021)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: 3rd Workshop HPC-TRES | Trieste | 11.12.2020 - 11.12.2020

    WATZON: the Italian network of ecohydrology and critical zone observatories
    Borga M, Penna D, Paolo N, Francesco C, Ferraris S, Rigon R, Allocca C, Amin A, Bertoldi G, Brighenti S, Canone D, Cassiani G, Censini M, D'Amato C, Fabiani G, Gentile A, Marchina C, Romano N, Luisa S, Giulia Z (2021)

    Conference: GU General Assembly 2021 | Online | 19.4.2021 - 30.4.2021

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    Alpine-wide trend assessment of total snow depth over recent decades from a harmonized database of validated in-situ observations
    Crespi A, Matiu M, Bertoldi G, Carmagnola C, Cat Berro D, Chiogna G, De Gregorio L, Gouttevin I, Kotlarski S, Majone B, Marty C, Mercalli L, Morin S, Notarnicola C, Petitta M, Resch G, Schöner W, Strasser U, Terzago S, Valt M, Zebisch M (2020)

    Conference: ClimRisk2020| Time for Action! Raising the ambition of climate action in the age of global emergencies ” 8th SISC Annual conference | online conference : 21.10.2020 - 23.10.2020

    Climatic monitoring in an Alpine Long Term Socio-Ecological Research Site
    Bertoldi G, Brida C, Niedrist G, Zandonai A, Della Chiesa S, Klotz J, Obojes N, Fontana V, Tappeiner U (2019)

    Conference: ClimRisk19 - 7 Conferenza Annuale della Societá Italiana per le Scienze del Clima | Trento | 23.10.2019 - 25.10.2019

    A R Package for the Distributed Hydrological Model GEOtop
    Cordano E, Bertoldi G, Bortoli E (2019)

    Conference: UseR! 2019 | Toulouse | 9.7.2019 - 12.7.2019

    Exploring Virtual Constellation of X-C and L band SAR Images To Improve Soil Moisture Retrieval In Alpine Grassland Areas
    Notarnicola C, Cuozzo G, Greifeneder F, Padovano A, Solorza R, Bertoldi, G, (2019)

    Conference: Esa Living Planet Symposium | Milan | 13.5.2019 - 17.5.2019

    Snow, Forests and Climate Change: which Feedbacks?
    Bertoldi G (2019)

    Conference: V Interconfronto Snow Water Equivalent | Obereggen (BZ) | 18.3.2019 - 19.3.2019

    A community-based analysis on snow precipitation trends in in the Alpine region Trentino Alto Adige
    Bertoldi G, Bozzo A, Brugnara Y, Calzá M, Poletti G, Filippini O, Fiorazzo F, Fruner L, Giovannini L, Longhi A, Mattedi D, Rizzi E, Sartori P, Toni F, Toniolatti D, Orlando F (2019)

    Conference: ICAM 2019 - 35th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology | Riva del Garda (TN) | 2.9.2019 - 5.9.2019

    Integration of Hydrological Model Outputs with Remote Sensing Products to Improve Cryosphere Process Understanding
    Callegari M , Bertoldi G, Brida C, Bovolo F, Bruzzone L, De Gregorio L, Günther D, Marin C, Marke T, Niroumand-Jadidi M, Podsiadło I, Rastner P, Strasser U, Zebisch M, Notarnicola C (2019)

    Conference: European Space Agency’s 2019 Living Planet Symposium | Milan | 13.5.2019 - 17.5.2019

    Requirements for using integrated hydrological models for climate impact assessment studies
    Bertoldi G, Bortoli E, Sartori A, Cozzini S, Dall'Amico M, Bavay M, Engel M, Brenner J (2019)

    Conference: International Mountain Conference | Innsbruck | 8.9.2019 - 12.9.2019

    Unraveling the anthropogenic alteration of streamflow regimes in Tyrol and South Tyrol
    Schmölz K, Persiano S, Bertoldi G, Pugliese A, Castellarin A, Tasser E (2019)

    Conference: EGU General Assembly 2019 | Vienna | 7.4.2019 - 12.4.2019

    The Relationship Between the Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 Backscattering and the Snow Melting Dynamics in Alpine Region
    Marin C, Bertoldi G, Premier V, Callegari M, Brida C, Hürkamp K, Tschiersch J, Zebisch M, Notarnicola C (2019)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) | Krakow, Poland, Poland | 31.3.2019 - 5.4.2019

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    SWCalibrateR: Interactive, Web - Based Calibration of Soil Moisture Sensors
    Brenner J, Genova G, Bertoldi G, Niedrist G, Della Chiesa S (2019)
    Journal article
    Journal of Open Research Software

    Modelling and measuring evapotranspiration using different approaches in mountain regions
    Bertoldi G, Bottazzi M, Della Chiesa S, Castelli M, Notarnicola C, Obojes N, Rigon R, Wohlfahrt G, Tappeiner U (2019)

    Conference: International Mountain Conference | Innsbruck | 8.9.2019 - 12.9.2019

    Spatial snowfall patterns in Alpine valleys: a citizen´s science case study in the Trentino Alto Adige region
    Poletti G, Bertoldi G, Giovannini L (2019)

    Conference: ICAM 2019 - 35th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology | Riva del Garda (TN) | 2.9.2019 - 5.9.2019

    Estimating the Anthropogenic Alteration of Streamflow Regimes for Ungauged Sites in Tyrol and South Tyrol
    Persiano S, Schmölz K, Bertoldi G, Pugliese A, Castellarin A, Tasser E (2019)

    Conference: 27th IUGG General Assembly | Montréal | 8.7.2019 - 18.7.2019

    Controls on spatial and temporal variability of streamflow and hydrochemistry in a glacierized catchment
    Engel M, Penna D, Bertoldi G, Vignoli G, Tirler W, Comiti F (2019)
    Journal article
    Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

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    Virtual Constellation of X-C And L Band SAR Images to Assess Soil And Vegetation Water Content in Agricultural Areas
    Cuozzo G, Greifeneder F, Padovano A, Solorza R, Bertoldi G, Notarnicola C (2019)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: IGARSS | Yokohama | 28.7.2019 - 2.8.2019

    Ten years of micrometeorological monitoring in the Alpine Long Term Socio-Ecological Research Site IT25 - Val Mazia/Matschertal, Italy
    Brida C, Bertoldi G, Niedrist G, Zandonai A, Della Chiesa S, Klotz J, Obojes N, Fontana V, Tappeiner U (2019)

    Conference: ICAM 2019 - 35th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology | Riva del Garda (TN) | 2.9.2019 - 5.9.2019

    Modeling the transpiration using the Schymanski-Or formula on alpine grassland sites
    Bottazzi M, Bertoldi G, Rigon R, Gianelle D (2019)

    Conference: EGU General Assembly 2019 | Vienna | 7.4.2019 - 12.4.2019

    Inter- and intra-annual runoff variability in glacierized catchments of the Eastern Italian Alps: an interdisciplinary approach using wavelet technique and tracer-based analysis
    Engel M, Penna D, Nadalet R, Dinale R, Bertoldi G, Notarnicola C, Comiti F (2019)

    Conference: International Mountain Conference | Innsbruck | 8.9.2019 - 12.9.2019

    Identifying the snow melting dynamics by exploiting the multi-temporal Sentinel-1 backscattering
    Premier V, Bertoldi G, Callegari M, Brida C, Hürkamp K, Tschiersch J, Zebisch M, Notarnicola C, Bruzzone L, Marin C (2019)

    Conference: Esa Living Planet Symposium | Milan | 13.5.2019 - 17.5.2019

    Development of a High Performance Hydrological Model
    Campanella S, Bertoldi G, Cozzini S, Sartori A (2019)

    Conference: 2nd Workshop HPC-TRES| High Performance Computing – Training and Research for Earth Sciences | Trieste : 19.11.2019 - 19.11.2019

    Spatial and temporal analysis of soil moisture patterns in an Alpine catchment
    Bressan N, Massari C, Domenighetti A, Bertoldi G (2019)

    Conference: Catchment Hydrology Day | Florence | 11.11.2019 - 12.11.2019

    Addressing hydrological challenges by exploiting remotely sensed imagery in the microwave domain
    Notarnicola C, Callegari M, De Gregorio, Greifeneder F, Marin C, Zebisch M, Bertoldi G (2018)
    A modern software approach to improve the computational efficiency of the integrated hydrological model GEOtop
    Bortoli E, Bertoldi G, Senoner S, Cordano E, Camporese M, Cozzini S (2018)
    Quantifying the hydrological effects of roots on shallow landslides triggering using a 3D hydrological model
    Formetta G, Bertoldi G, Bortoli E, Rigon R (2018)
    Modelling the hydrological effects of vegetation on hillslope stability
    Formetta G, Bertoldi G, Bortoli E (2018)
    L´acqua nelle Alpi: quale futuro ci attende?
    Bertoldi G, Cordano E (2018)
    GEOtop 2.1: towards a modern software engineering for integrated hydrological models
    Bertoldi G, Bortoli E, Cordano E, Sartori A, Cozzini S (2018)
    R use in Hydrology: an example with R and the hydrological model GEOtop
    Cordano E, Bertoldi G, Senoner S (2018)
    Challenges in improving the HPC efficiency of the GEOtop 2.1 Integrated Hydrologic Model
    Bortoli E, Bertoldi G, Senoner S, Cordano E, Camporese M, Cozzini S (2018)
    Validation of remote sensing data on wet snow with in situ measured liquid water contents of the alpine snowpack for the prediction of snowmelt and mass transport processes
    Hürkamp K, Marin C, Callegari M, Notarnicola C, Bertoldi G, Hachinger S, Meyer-Arnek J, Tschiersch J (2018)
    Hydrology and water management
    Bertoldi G (2018)
    Cambiamenti climatici
    Bertoldi G (2018)
    Cosmic Ray Neutron sensing in complex systems
    Piussi L, Tonon G, Mejia-Aguilar A, Monsorno R, Zebisch M, Bertoldi G, Tomelleri E (2018)

    Conference: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 | Vienna | 8.4.2018 - 13.4.2018

    Two-source energy balance modeling of evapotranspiration in Alpine grasslands
    Castelli M, Anderson M, Yang Y, Wohlfahrt G, Bertoldi G, Niedrist G, Hammerle A, Zhao P, Zebisch M, Notarnicola C (2018)
    Journal article
    Remote Sensing of Environment

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    The integrated hydrologic model intercomparison project, IH-MIP2: A second set of benchmark results to diagnose integrated hydrology and feedbacks
    Kollet S, Sulis M, Maxwell R, Paniconi C, Putti M, Bertoldi G, Coon E T, Cordano E, Endrizzi S, Kikinzon E, Mouche E, Mügler C, Park Y-J, Refsgaard J C, Stisen S, Sudicky E (2017)
    Journal article
    Water Resources Research

    Observing and modelling soil moisture dynamics of mountain grasslands in South Tyrol
    Bertoldi G, Notarnicola C, Greifeneder F, Cordano E, Della Chiesa S, Niedrist G, Tappeiner U (2017)

    Conference: VAO Symposium | Bolzano | 28.3.2017 - 30.3.2017

    Modern software approaches applied to a Hydrological model: the GEOtop Open-Source Software Project
    Cozzini S, Endrizzi S, Cordano E, Bertoldi G, Dall'Amico M (2017)

    Conference: EGU General Assembly 2017 | Vienna (AT) | 23.4.2017 - 28.4.2017

    A parameter optimization tool for evaluating the physical consistency of the plot-scale water budget of the integrated eco-hydrological model GEOtop in complex terrain
    Bertoldi G, Cordano E, Brenner J, Senoner S, Della Chiesa S, Niedrist G (2017)

    Conference: EGU General Assembly 2017 | Vienna (AT) | 23.4.2017 - 28.4.2017

    HPC needs for Integrated Hydrological Models: examples of application of the GEOtop model to the Vienna Scientific Cluster
    Bertoldi G, Senoner S, Cordano E, Endrizzi S, Dall'Amico M, Cozzini S (2017)

    Conference: Austrian HPC Meeting 2017 | Grundlsee | 1.3.2017 - 3.3.2017

    A simple method to combine snow height and meteorological observations to estimate winter precipitation at sub-daily resolution
    Mair E, Leitinger G, Della Chiesa S, Niedrist G, Tappeiner U, Bertoldi G (2016)
    Journal article
    Hydrological Sciences Journal

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