Institute for Alpine Environment - Projects - Global Change
Global Change
Global Change in mountain areas
- Project duration: -
- Project status: ongoing
- Funding: Internal funding EURAC (Project)
- Institute: Institute for Alpine Environment
Around the world, mountain regions are affected especially strongly by global change; this is also true for the Alps. The consequences of globalization and the accompanying structural and economic development, as well as climate change, will be highly dynamic processes in the natural and cultural space of the whole Alpine region in the following decades which will affect land cover as well as structure and functioning of ecosystems and the landscape. This research project aims to analyze important aspects of ecological transformations and their drivers in mountain areas. Thereby, we will focus on landscape change and coupled ecosystem functions and processes such as biodiversity modifications, bio-chemical cycles or water balance induced by human management and climate change. The research approach combines field studies with remote sensing and simulation models.
Meier V, Leitinger Georg, Walde J, Tasser E (2024)
Journal article
Global Ecology and Conservation
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Schirpke U, Tasser E (2024)
Journal article
Ecosystem Services
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Tasser E, Unterthurner B, Agreiter A, Gerstgrasser L, Giardino M, Tappeiner U, Walde J, Rüdisser J (2024)
Journal article
Scientific Reports
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Tasser E (2024)
Conference: Colloquio Piattaforma Biodiversità | Bolzano | 10.1.2024 - 10.1.2024
Tasser E, Lavdas A A, Schirpke U (2023)
Journal article
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Barkmann F, Huemer P, Tappeiner U, Tasser E, Rüdisser J (2023)
Journal article
Biodiversity and Conservation
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Schirpke U, Tasser E, Borsky S, Braun M, Eitzinger J, Gaube V, Getzner M, Glatzel S, Gschwantner T, Kirchner M, Leitinger G, Mehdi-Schulz B, Mitter H, Scheifinger H, Thaler S, Thom D, Thaler T (2023)
Journal article
Journal of Environmental Management
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Erb KH, Gratzer G, Haberl H, Tappeiner U, Tasser E, Gingrich S (2023)
Journal article
CCCA Fact Sheets
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Tasser E (2023)
Conference: Klim-Tag | Rotholz | 12.4.2023 - 12.4.2023
Tasser E (2023)
Conference: Expert to the Climate Council in Kauns/KLAR! Region Kaunergrat | Kauns | 3.3.2023 - 3.3.2023
Peintner U, Mandolini E, Tello E, Probst M, Leitinger G, Tasser E (2023)
Conference: 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference | Dublin | 13.3.2023 - 15.3.2023
Tasser E (2023)
Conference: 69. Tagung der AGJSO | Admont | 5.10.2023 - 7.10.2023
Barkmann F, Goueset V, Huemer P, Tappeiner U, Tasser E, Rüdisser J (2023)
Conference: Tage der Biodiversität | Vienna | 8.10.2023 - 10.10.2023
Erb KH, Haberl H, Le Noë J, Tappeiner U, Tasser E, Gingrich S (2022)
Journal article
GCB Bioenergy
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Tscholl S, Tasser E, Tappeiner U, Egarter Vigl L (2022)
Journal article
International Journal of Climatology
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Obojes N, Meurer A, Newesely C, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Tappeiner U (2022)
Journal article
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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Rüdisser J, Schattanek P, Herburger A, Tasser E, Wiesmair B, Huemer P, Tappeiner U (2021)
Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Ökologie
Zoderer B, Tasser E (2021)
Journal article
Journal of Environmental Management
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Rüdisser J, Tasser E, Peham T, Meyer E, Tappeiner U (2021)
Journal article
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Wezel A, Stockli S, Tasser E, Nitsch H, Vincent A (2021)
Journal article
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Tasser E, Gamper S, Walde J, Obojes N, Tappeiner U (2021)
Journal article
Scientific Reports
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Huber L, Posch E, Bell R, Höferl KM, Steiger R, Stotten R, Tasser E, Leitinger G (2021)
Journal article
ecomont - Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management
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Stotten R, Ambrosi L, Tasser E, Leitinger G (2021)
Journal article
Ecology & Society
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Roy J, Rineau F, De Boeck HJ, Nijs I, Pütz T, Abiven S, Arnone JA, III, Barton CVM, Beenaerts N, Brüggemann N, Dainese M, Domisch T, Eisenhauer N, Garré S, Gebler A, Ghirardo A, Jasoni RL, Kowalchuk G, Landais D, Larsen SH, Leemans V, Le Galliard J‐F, Longdoz B, Massol F, Mikkelsen TN, Niedrist G, Piel C, Ravel O, Sauze J, Schmidt A, Schnitzler J‐P, Teixeira LH, Tjoelker MG, Weisser WW, Winkler B, Milcu A (2021)
Journal article
Global Change Biology
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Tello-García E, Huber L, Leitinger G, Peters A, Newesely C, Ringler ME, Tasser E (2020)
Journal article
Environmental and Experimental Botany
Huber L, Schirpke U, Marsoner T, Tasser E, Leitinger G (2020)
Journal article
Ecosystem Services
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Präg N, Seeber J, Leitinger G, Tasser E, Tappeiner U, Illmer P (2020)
Journal article
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
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Zoderer BM, Carver S, Tappeiner U, Tasser E (2020)
Journal article
Landscape and Urban Planning
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Schirpke U, Leitinger G, Tasser E, Rüdisser J, Fontana V, Tappeiner U (2020)
Journal article
Applied Geography
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Fontana V, Guariento E, Hilpold A, Niedrist G, Steinwandter M, Spitale D, Nascimbene J, Tappeiner U, Seeber J (2020)
Journal article
Scientific Reports
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Obojes N, Tasser E, Newesely C, Mayr S, Tappeiner U (2020)
Journal article
Acta Horticulturae
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Tasser E (2020)
Journal article
Der Anblick - Zeitschrift für Jagd und Natur in den Alpen
Tasser E, Tappeiner U (2020)
Contribution in book
Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel
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Schermer M, Siegl G, Tasser E (2020)
Contribution in book
Bau.Kultur.Landschaft im Ötztal
Stotten R, Leitinger G, Huber L, Tasser E (2020)
Innsbruck: University of Innsbruck
Della Chiesa S, Genova G, la Cecilia D, Niedrist G (2019)
Journal article
Journal of Maps
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Schirpke U, Altzinger A, Leitinger G, Tasser E (2019)
Journal article
Landscape and Urban Planning
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Tasser E, Rüdisser J, Plaikner M, Stöckli S, Wezel A, Dubbert M, Moos V, Nitsch H, Vincent A, Bogner D (2019)
Journal article
Ecological Indicators
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Frenck, G, Leitinger, G, Obojes, N, Hofmann M, Newesely C, Deutschmann M, Tappeiner U, Tasser E (2018)
Journal article