Inclusive Pathways: Analyzing Complexities of Belonging and Exclusion
- Project duration: -
- Project status: ongoing
- Institute: Center for Migration and Diversity
This research area aims to explore the complex processes, practices, structures, and perceptions of inclusion and exclusion among young people of migrant descent. It does so by focusing both on the lived experiences and personal narratives of individuals, as well as by examining the broader institutional and political contexts that shape and delimit processes of belonging and exclusion. By integrating both qualitative and quantitative approaches, the research seeks to uncover the complexities of identity formation and social integration, highlighting how systemic factors intersect with individual experiences.
A key area of study within this framework is education and training, where particular attention is given to the structures and practices that perpetuate discrimination and racism. The research investigates how these factors affect not only academic achievement but also the social and emotional well-being of young persons from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, it aims to identify the specific challenges faced by young people of migrant descent in navigating educational environments that may be fraught with bias, including the role of peer interactions, teacher attitudes, and institutional structures.
The research area thus seeks to uncover processes of marginalisation and exclusion, by giving voice to marginalised groups as well as by emphasizing the increasingly important role of people with migrant descent as cultural, political and economic actors both at the national and the local sphere. Finally, it highlights how migrants’ descendants challenge and disrupt conventional and binary understandings of belonging and identity, and thus contribute to highlight the frequently hidden complexity of in- and exclusion in public debate, political discourse and policymaking.
Discrimination experiences of apprentices in South Tyrol (2023-2024)
Commissioned by the trade union CGIL/AGB, this project drew on insights previously gathered in the study of the experiences of second generation youth, in particular discrimination experiences (Mitterhofer & Jimenez 2018), to study the experiences of discrimination of apprentices in South Tyrol. Data was collected from December 2023 to March 2024 through a quantitative questionnaire completed by 60 apprentices from three South Tyrolean vocational schools, 15 semi-structured interviews with experts from the fields of vocational training, school, labour and integration and two participatory workshops with apprentice classes. The questionnaire examined the experiences of apprentices during their training, their satisfaction with their training, their future plans and any experiences of discrimination, while the interviews focussed on the challenges of the socio-professional integration of apprentices, especially those with a migrant background. In the two workshops, which were developed in collaboration with a designer specialising in participatory methods, researchers and apprentices reflected together on the experiences during the apprenticeship training - from the working environment to relationships with colleagues and superiors - and then explored the problematic aspects that came to light: from low wages and inflexible working hours to discrimination and racism. The project found that everyday racism, microaggressions and structural discrimination are part of apprentices' school and work life. At the same time, victims of discrimination do not always recognise that certain experiences, especially microaggressions, can be labelled as discrimination or racism. Apprentices are often unaware of their rights and responsibilities, making them more vulnerable to discrimination.
The final report is available here:
GERMAN: 10.57749/2fhc-0p09 - Eurac Research
ITALIAN: 10.57749/jrhe-e378 - Eurac Research
Mitterhofer J (2024)
Contribution in book
Tradition-Vielfalt-Wandel 2: Migration, Vielfalt und Wandel als integrale Bestandteile der kulturellen Identitäten und Traditionen der Alpenregionen; Projektabschlussbericht = Tradizione, diversità, cambiamento 2: Migrazione, pluralità e cambiamento come parti integranti delle identità culturali e delle tradizioni nelle regioni alpine
More information: https://www.argealp.org/de/arge-alp-dialoge-endpublikation
Mitterhofer J, Obukhova K (2024)
Bozen: Eurac Research
More information: https://doi.org/10.57749/2fhc-0p09
Mitterhofer J, Obukhova K (2024)
Conference: Lehrlinge und Diskriminierung | Bolzano | 30.9.2024 - 30.9.2024
Mitterhofer J (2023)
Centivens Institute of Innovative Research
Journal article
Migration Letters
More information: http://dx.doi.org/10.33182/ml.v20i2.2116
Mitterhofer J (2022)
Contribution in book
Law and Politics: Festschrift für Joseph Marko
Mitterhofer J (2022)
Conference: Neue Migrationsbewegungen und Integration als Herausforderung für die Regionen und Gemeinden | Innsbruck | 28.4.2022 - 28.4.2022
Mitterhofer J (2021)
Conference: Auftaktveranstaltung| Ein offenes Miteinander/Regionen gestalten Lebensräume für die Jugendlichen | Bozen : 7.12.2021 - 7.12.2021