Eurach Research

WAC2024 - 2° World Agritourism Congress

Agritourism is more! Join the second edition of the World Agritourism Congress.


    Agritourism is more!

    For the second time, the World Congress on Agritourism acts as an international platform for scientists, practitioners, associations, stakeholders, businesses, and other actors. The aim is to discuss the state-of-the-art, challenges, opportunities, and limitations of agritourism as well as future development perspectives of this kind of tourism in rural areas worldwide. The overarching question is: What do we have to do to make agritourism a successful and sustainable type of tourism in rural areas. The 2024 edition is specifically dedicated to the agritourism´s contribution to sustainable development and/or challenges linked to its achievement on and off the farm. Agritourism represents a significant organisational and operational change of the farm´s management, economy and living environment. Which practices enable a sustainable management? How to keep a reasonable interactive balance between touristic and agricultural activities? What about new approaches such as regenerative agritourism? The congress wants to explore the social, economic, and environmental transformations for the farm and its environment when offering agritourism. We also assume that Agritourism is more than experiencing agricultural products, farm life and overnight stays in farm buildings. It represents a unique cultural and interactive experience, an asset for keeping rural areas vital and maintain agricultural practices and small structured cultural landscapes. But does this represent the reality? What works, what rather doesn’t? With whom do agritourism establishments cooperate? Are they well integrated in community life? Who are the target groups, and do they change? We look behind the scenes and discuss different perspectives that go beyond farm gates.


    The Congress organisers invited all interested professionals, practitioners, researchers, public and private institutions, as well as international networks and initiatives related to agritourism to send their proposals for presentation or poster referring to one of the Key Themes of the congress or to one of the Special Sessions. Five Key Themes and eight Sessions were defined and put together to a draft programme. All details will follow shortly.

    Registration information

    Please find all detailled information on registration fees etc. on the official event website.

    Key dates

    October 11th, 2023 Call for special sessions opens

    November 16th, 2023 Deadline for special session proposal submission

    December 7th, 2023 Communication of special session acceptance

    December 21st, 2023 Call for presentations & posters and abstract submission

    January 29th, 2024 Deadline for abstract submission

    February, 5th, 2024 Communication of proposals acceptance

    February, 19th, 2024 Online Registration opens, Draft programme online

    May, 1st, 2024 Deadline registrations

    The Congress Venue - travel & accommodation

    The Alps are generally divided into Western and Eastern Alps, and this separation happens to run along the imaginary line between Lake Constance and Lake Como, following the river Rhine. Right there, just slightly on the left, is where the region of South Tyrol finds its location. This is why Bolzano pulls characteristics from all sides of the Alps making it an exciting blend of culture and languages, so much that it is considered the heart of the Alps.

    Bolzano is known as the “Door to the Dolomites” and by now associated with the famous image of the bell tower standing against the Rosengarten group. Formed about 260 million years ago, the Dolomites have been declared World Heritage by the UNESCO Commission in 2009.

    All travel and accommodation information can be found on the official congress website.


    Global Agritourism Network

    Roter Hahn - Gallo Rosso



    Südtiroler Bauernbund

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