
Kastelbell-Tschars: our community 2025

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Castelbello-Ciardes, an agriculture characterized municipality in the eastern Vinschgau, shows a very crisis-prone economic structure due to a strong concentration on the agriculture sector especially on fruit growing. Already in the past ways of participative planning and elaboration of development objectives existed. A development concept, which was elaborated at that time and implemented in the space of the year 2015, does not exclude a further development for a future strategy within the commune.

Through a deterioration of many framework conditions many challenges have intensified, which raises the necessity to elaborate new development objectives to react to the upcoming challenges. The project therefore aims to work out an orderly, coordinated and strategically grounded and long-term development concept for the municipality Castelbello-Ciardes with the aim of implementation within the year 2025. Function of the Institute of Regional Development and Location Management will be the development of a concept, which is based on secondary data, qualitative and quantitative research methods. The concept will define the strength and threats of the municipality Castelbello-Ciardes regarding defined topic areas of the commune. The project should finally provide concrete measures for the municipality, so that Castelbello-Ciardes will be able to benefit from opportunities and to defend risks, which will result from changing framework conditions.

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