Eurach Research

NEST Part 2

Designing a Sustainable Food System in South Tyrol

    The NEST (Sustainable Food System in South Tyrol) research project seeks to improve the sustainability of South Tyrol's food system. An exploratory analysis of interested case study businesses along the value chain from agriculture to South Tyrolean gastronomy in the second part of NEST is intended to increase enthusiasm for the topics of sustainable nutrition. By working together with representatives from local businesses and the provincial government, we aspire to reform the food system in South Tyrol to a more ecologically sustainable, economically sound, and socially balanced one.

    NEST focuses on regional production chains when addressing strategies to make South Tyrol's food system more sustainable. In our attempt to do this, we emphasize three primary topics: dealing with regionality, the effect on the level of self-sufficiency, and the necessary land use change. Short supply chains alone, however, do not create a sustainable food system. We further aspire to convey a holistic approach that considers not only carbon emissions but also compliance with environmental standards and employment regulations.

    The government's sustainability agenda, "Everyday for Future" (2021), provides the framework for NEST. There is a need for "a crisis-proof supply of healthy food and sustainable and resilient agriculture" (p. 8) as well as sustainable land management which tackles additional strategic objectives including biodiversity and fertile soils.

    NEST draws on the skills and resources of its stakeholders to address the identified issues and obstacles. We incorporate the knowledge gained from best practice examples and lessons learnt as we develop action plans and step-by-step implementation strategies from within NEST. From this we build useful guidelines and specific steps for action, always in close cooperation with sector-specific actors and representatives from politics and industry.

    Report del progetto "Creare un sistema alimentare sostenibile in Alto Adige" - Scaricabile qui

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