Montagne Vitali II

Vital Mountains II

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  • Italiano

Montagne Vitali II project is the follow-up of the experimental path of strategic development undertaken by the municipality of Tre Ville from 2019 onwards. In the first phase of the project, objectives, strategies and measures for the revitalisation of this marginalised mountain area were defined with the involvement of the local population. The second phase foresees the implementation of the first concrete actions. Under the coordination of Eurac Research, an active group of participants is working on a "generative hospitality" project, i.e. the creation of a widespread hospitality system that can valorise local resources and act as a driving force for socio-economic development. 

Collective leadership for valorising mountain territories in changing contexts: Two case studies in Trentino (Italy)
Maino F, Dalla Torre C (2022)

Conference: Global Mountain Sustainability Forum | | 3.10.2022 - 4.10.2022

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