Research Across Institutes - Gender Dynamics - News & Events - Project: Gender Report
Project: Gender Report
The multi- and interdisciplinary team of Gender Dynamics is currently collaborating on a report addressing gender-related issues in South Tyrol.
The project aims to offer a research-based overview of how various aspects and dynamics of gender have been approached in South Tyrol. Additionally, it seeks to provide suggestions for international reflection and innovative perspectives. The report is intended to serve as an instrument for dissemination and awareness-raising on this crucial topic. Hence the report not only presents a snapshot of how gender influences life in South Tyrol but also consolidates locally developed knowledge and reports experiences and best practices from other contexts. Furthermore, it includes ongoing discussions on gender concepts and dynamics at both international and local levels, and highlights potential gaps that require attention in the future.
Eight different areas in which gender emerges as a key issue will be covered: history, culture, and art; linguistics; education and science; care and healthcare; environment; territory and energy; political and economic participation; minorities, migration and intersectionality; and gender-based violence. Furthermore, the report provides an introduction presenting the most important concepts used to study and analyze and gender identity and diversity, as well as current debates on the equality of genders.
The report will be released in late autumn 2024. Itis designed for both the general public and individuals interested in these topics, such as such as high school educators, by providing examples and case studies from South Tyrol as well as other regions and countries.