Adriano Bisello

Adriano Bisello
Senior Researcher
Institute for Renewable Energy
- Project management of smart city and urban innovation projects
- Positive Energy Districts
- Energy communities
- Appraisal and evaluation methods
- Multiple benefits of energy transition
Adriano Bisello is Urban and Environmental Planner, with more than fifteen years of working experience and a strong interest in the field of smart-city projects and climate-neutral urban strategies. He did his Ph.D. in Real Estate Economics, investigating the co-benefits of smart-energy projects at the urban level. After graduating, he worked as a consultant and a freelancer planner for public administrations and engineering companies. Currently he is senior researcher and project manager in the Urban and Regional Energy Systems research team. Adriano’s activities range from local to European-funded projects and international networks in the field of smart cities (, positive energy districts (,, and, digital-social-natural regeneration of public spaces (, urban-energy planning (, climate neutral communities ( He is a passionate public speaker and co-author of research works published in international books and journals. Since 2015, Adriano has managed the international conferences on “Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions” —SSPCR— held by EURAC ( He is vice-president of the Italian Association of Urban Planners ASSURB (, a member of SIEV (Italian Real Estate Appraisal and Investment Decision Society) and of ISOCARP (International Society of City and Regional Planners).
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