Eurach Research

Andrea Carlà

Andrea Carlà

Andrea Carlà

Senior Researcher
Institute for Minority Rights

T +39 0471 055 246


Research Interests:

  • Protection of minorities
  • Institutional design in divided societies, Power-sharing, Consociationalism
  • Migrant integration
  • (De)securitization
  • Human security

Andrea Carlà (PhD in Politics, New School for Social Research, New York, USA - Postgraduate studies in Diplomacy and International Relations, University of Bologna, Italy) is Senior Researcher at the Institute for Minority Rights of Eurac Research in Bozen/Bolzano (South Tyrol – Italy). He was previously a Visiting Fellow at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler – Research Center on International Politics and Conflict Resolution (Fbk-CeRPIC), Trento, Italy, and he taught at the University of Dayton, USA. His research explores the interplay among ethnic politics/minority protection, migration studies and security issues, focusing in particular on the concepts of (de)securitization and human security and their application to minority issues. He is the co-editor of Migration in Autonomous Territories. The Case of South Tyrol and Catalonia (Brill-Nijhoff, 2015) and authors of articles in academic publications such as Ethnopolitics, Nationalism and ethnic politics, JEMS and EYMI. He is also a contributor and author of editorials for the local South Tyrolean newspaper Alto Adige. Andrea participated in several third funded projects, serving as the Principal Investigator of the Eurac Research team in the AMIF funded research project “Volunteer and Empower: Enhancing Community Building and Social Integration through Dialogue and Collaboration amongst Young Europeans and Third Country Nationals” (VOLPOWER) (12.2018-06.2021). Currently, he is Network Member and part of the Network Board of the Erasmus+ project “The Securitization of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities and the Rise of Xenophobia in the EU” (SECUREU) (11.2020-11.2023).


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