Eurach Research

Andrea Omizzolo

Andrea Omizzolo

Andrea Omizzolo

Senior Researcher
Institute for Regional Development

T +39 0471 055 324


Main research interests​​​​​​​

  • ​​​​​​Spatial Planning
  • Community Development
  • Property and Land Fragmentation
  • Ecological Transition
  • World Natural Heritage Management
  • Protected Areas
  • Ecosystem Services
  • Green Tourism


Short CV

Andrea Omizzolo, PhD, is Spatial Planner and Senior Researcher at the Institute for Regional Development of Eurac Research in Bolzano/Bozen. Certified Project Manager, participates in several research projects co-financed by the European Commission. Member of the Italian Delegation to the Alpine Convention is actively involved in several local, national, and international commissions and research associations. His research activities focus mainly on Spatial Planning applied to the local and regional sustainable development in mountain environment, protected areas, marginal and fragile territories. His current interests include Strategic Community Development, Property and Land Fragmentation, Ecological Transition, Sustainable land use and Green Tourism, World Natural Heritage Management, Conflicts generated by human-environmental relationship, biodiversity knowledge and awareness, and definition and demarcation of territories.

Curriculum vitae


ORCID | 0000-0002-7622-1745 |

ResearchGate | M-7645-2016 |

Web of Science ResearcherID | K-9361-2019 |

Google Scholar | HmgfKVMAAAAJ |

Academia |

Scopus | 57193238208 |

LinkedIn |

Impactstory | 0000-0002-7622-1745 |

FigShare |

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