Annamaria Belleri

Annamaria Belleri
Senior Researcher
Institute for Renewable Energy
- smart ventilation strategies
- natural ventilation design
- ventilative cooling
- plus energy buildings
My research is focused on passive cooling solutions, strategies and design methods to effectively exploit natural ventilation potential when available, with the objective to provide a healthy and comfortable indoor environment and to face the increase of cooling demand in buildings. I developed tools to support ventilation design, promoted the use of natural ventilation into case studies and provided scientific consultancies to companies and designers. I was involved as task co-leader in the IEA Annex 62 “Ventilative cooling” project and I am currently involved as external expert in the CEN/TC 156/WG21 on "Ventilative cooling systems" standardization. My interests also lie in the field of user centric design to improve user interaction with ventilation controls and window openings. I am currently coordinating the H2020 Cultural-E project which aims to define modular and replicable solutions for Plus Energy Buildings (PEBs), accounting for climate and cultural differences.
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