Eurach Research

Atse Louwen

Atse Louwen

Atse Louwen

Senior Researcher
Institute for Renewable Energy

T +39 0471 055 736


Main research interests:

  • Performance and reliability of PV
  • Sustainability of PV
  • Modelling and machine learning of PV performance and solar irradiance

Atse Louwen is a senior researcher in the Photovoltaic Energy Systems group of the Institute of Renewable Energy. He is the team leader of the topic Reliable and Bankable Solar PV, focusing on performance, reliability and sustainability of PV. He is work package leader in several Horizon Europe projects and an activity leader in the IEA PVPS Task 13 on Digitalization of the PV sector. His research includes analysis and modelling of the performance of PV systems, using physics and data based modelling tools and machine learning. In addition, he is studying the sustainability and economics of PV. 

Before coming to Eurac, Atse worked at Utrecht University's Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development. There, he attained his PhD performing multi-disciplinary assessment of PV technology, including Lifecycle Assessment and performance analysis. In the following period as a Post-Doc at the Copernicus Institute, Atse was a work package leader in the EU H2020 project REFLEX, for which he examined technological learning and experience curves for a large variety of renewable energy technologies. 

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