Eurach Research

Francesca Rosignoli

Francesca Rosignoli

Francesca Rosignoli

Senior Researcher
Institute for Minority Rights

T +39 0471 055 105


Research areas:

environmental governance

climate change

climate-induced migration


Dr. Francesca Rosignoli (PhD 2016) is an expert in environmental justice and climate-induced migration. Her research interests include environmental justice, global environmental governance, climate change, climate-induced migration, and gender. Her current research compares the Citizens Assembly for Climate initiatives established in Alto Adige (Italy) and Vorarlberg (Austria). Her latest monograph, Environmental Justice for Climate Refugees, was published by Routledge in May 2022 and aimed at investigating the legal impasse surrounding the recognition of climate refugees through the lens of environmental justice. She is also the author of Giustizia Ambientale (Castelvecchi, 2020), a groundbreaking work, introducing the topic of environmental justice in Italy as the first comprehensive book written in Italian. She published several articles in indexed journals, chapters in edited volumes, and is co-editor of the volumes Climate Change Integration in the Multilevel Governance of Italy and Austria (Brill 2022) and Racism, Environment, Health. Environmental Racism and Health Inequalities (PM 2022).


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