Lukas Koester

Lukas Koester
Institute for Renewable Energy
Performance and reliability of solar photovoltaic power plants.
Advanced inspection techniques for photovoltaic modules in lab and field.
Lukas Koester is postdoc researcher and lab technician in the photovoltaic energy system group of the institute for renewable energy. After reaching his master of science in physics at the University of Düsseldorf (Germany) in 2020, he conducted a PhD in Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology with Politecnico di Milano, working at Eurac Research. The PhD thesis entitled "Multispectral imaging and correlation of image signatures of PV failures with electrical signatures" shows improvements in electroluminescence and daylight photoluminescence inspection techniques for large-scale PV plants, investigates the temperature-related behavior of the luminescence signal intensity, and uses the intensity-to-voltage dependency to detect PV module performance.
His current work is on further developing these techniques and deploying them in large-scale PV plants.
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