Marco Larcher

Marco Larcher
Senior Researcher
Institute for Renewable Energy
- Heat and moisture transport in buildings
- Energy refurbishment of historic buildings
- Prevention of moisture related damages in Buildings
- Hygrothermal performance analysis of building materials
Short Bio
Marco Larcher graduated and obtained his PhD in physics at the University of Trento. During his studies, he spent a period abroad at Imperial College London through the Erasmus programme. He has worked in the field of Nearly-Zero-Energy Buildings/Passivhaus design as an energy consultant, trainer and certifier.
Since 2017, he has been working as a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Renewable Energy of Eurac Research where he is part of the Energy Retrofit of Historic Buildings group . His main research topic is the hygrothermal analysis of buildings for the prevention of moisture related damages and for the optimization of the indoor environmental quality. He is involved in numerical simulation, building monitoring as well as laboratory analysis. He is responsible for the Hygrothermal Testing Lab, a laboratory for the hygrothermal characterization of building materials and is actively involved in the quality management system as Laboratory Quality Referent.