Eurach Research

Mattia Zeba

Mattia Zeba

Mattia Zeba

Senior Researcher
Institute for Minority Rights

T +39 0471 055 201


Research interests:

  • Language rights
  • Multilingualism and linguistic diversity
  • New minorities and heritage languages
  • Language variation and hybrid language practices
  • Contested languages
  • Civic education
  • De-Radicalisation 

Selected publications:

  • Zeba, M. (2024). Rationales, Categories, Solutions, and Constraints in the Management of Linguistic Diversity: From Language to Religion ... and Back?, in Annali di Studi Religiosi, 25/2024, pp. 421-457.
  • Zeba, M. (2024). Securitizing Language Borders: Between Monoglossic Ideologies and Hybrid Language Practices, in EuropeNow, SECUREU Policy Paper Series. 
  • Zeba, M. (2023). Civic education as preventive measure and inclusionary practice, D.Rad Project.
  • Zeba, M., Medda-Windischer, R. (2023). Civic Education Programs as Preventive Measures in Italy, D.Rad Project.
  • Tomaselli, A., Mitterhofer, J., Engl, A., Zeba, M., Constantin, S., Rautz, G., Abram, M., Ricciardi, T., Tormen, S., Ghobert, C., Bocchetti, F. (2022). Le comunità di italiani nell'Europa sudorientale: status culturale ed economico, ruolo delle donne e sviluppo sostenibile, Bolzano/Bozen: Eurac Research.
  • Zeba, M., Fontana, G., Wonisch, K., Carlà, A., Medda-Windischer, R. (2021). Stakeholders of (De) Radicalisation in Italy, D.Rad Project.
  • Fontana, G., Wonisch, K., Zeba, M., Carlà, A. (2021). Trends of Radicalisation in Italy, D.Rad Project.
  • Fontana, G., Wonisch, K., Zeba, M., Budabin, A., Carlà, A., Medda-Windischer, R. (2021). Cultural Drivers of Radicalisation in Italy, D.Rad Project.
  • Zeba, M. (2020). Standardisation and heritage language maintenance: preliminary interdisciplinary considerations with a case-based approach, in Deusto Journal of Human Rights, 6, pp. 211-238.
  • Zeba, M. (2019). Review of "Non-Territorial Autonomy in Divided Societies - Comparative Perspectives", by Coakley, J. (ed.), in European Yearbook of Minority Issues, 16(1), pp. 248-252.
  • Medda-Windischer, R., Carlà, A., Zeba, M. (2018). La normativa e le politiche in materia di inclusione dei cittadini stranieri delle Regioni speciali e delle Province Autonome: fra riluttanza e attivismo frammentato, in Palermo, F., Parolari, S. (eds.), Le variabili della specialità. Evidenze e riscontri tra soluzioni istituzionali e politiche settoriali, Napoli: ESI, 377-414.
  • Medda-Windischer, R., Jiménez-Rosano, M., Budabin, A., Zeba, M. (2018). Chapter 3 - Non Discrimination and Equality, in Popova, Z., Medda-Windischer, R., Jiménez-Rosano, M., van der Meer, C., Martovskaya, V., Visser, M., Jayaratne, H. (eds.), Handbook on Teaching in Diversity. A practical guide, including tools and resources, on how to teach diversity, how to teach in diversity and how to manage diversity, Teach-D Project.
  • Medda-Windischer, R., Jiménez-Rosano, M., Budabin, A., Zeba, M. (2018). Chapter 4 - Religious Diversity, in Popova, Z., Medda-Windischer, R., Jiménez-Rosano, M., van der Meer, C., Martovskaya, V., Visser, M., Jayaratne, H. (eds.), Handbook on Teaching in Diversity. A practical guide, including tools and resources, on how to teach diversity, how to teach in diversity and how to manage diversity, Teach-D Project.
  • Zeba, M., Torresin, M. (2018). Riflessioni sul referendum autonomista in Veneto: tra unità e frammentazione partitica, in Ethnos & Demos. Identità, Culture, Diritti e Integrazione in Europa.
  • Zeba, M. (2017). The Ottoman and Turkish centralisation-decentralisation debate: a static revolution, in Historia et Ius, 12.
  • Zeba, M. (2017). Local Governments in Turkey: identifying improvements and deficiencies through the lens of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, in Amministrativ@mente, 9-10.

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