Riccarda Moser

Riccarda Moser
Project Assistant
Institute for Renewable Energy
Riccarda Moser holds a PhD in Economic and Management and 13 years experience as Project Manager of H2020, LIFE 2021-2027, INTERREG ALPINE SPACE 2014-2020, INTERREG IT-AT, EIT- CLIMATE KIC, GECT-Euregio, ARPAF, and INTERREG Central Europe. She is responsible for financial and administrative aspects of EU research projects supporting the scientific coordinator and dealing with projects partners and EC officers. Moreover, she was member of the BESTPRAC cost action and one of the author of the Guide: “Financial Management of H2020 Projects: Guide to Best Practice Based on BESTPRAC Members’ Experience”.
In addition she performs research activities to study the contribution of lifestyle changes and citizen engagement in decarbonising Europe and fulfilling the goals of the Paris Agreement (https://fulfill-sufficiency.eu/)