Riccardo Fraboni

Riccardo Fraboni
Junior Researcher
Institute for Renewable Energy
Riccardo Fraboni, male, Junior Researcher, BS in Energy Engineering, Specialized Master in Sustainability and Energy management. Riccardo, during his first professional endeavor, an internship at Eni Gas e Luce, was exposed to various facets of the energy industry and gained hands-on experience in the field. He dealt with DSR, DSF, distributed generation and energy communities, a topic on which he developed his final project for the Specialized Master. He acquired experience in data acquisition, validation and energy statistics in the research field working on the Tender ENER/2020/OP/0019 – Pathways for Energy Efficient Heating and Cooling, at which he participated focusing on the environmental impact assessment of heating and cooling technologies. He is currently WP Leader of the WP7 “Sustainability, replication, and exploitation of project results” of the LIFE21-CET-COOLING-CoolLIFE/101075405 Project. He is also working on the topic of urban metabolism, with MFA and LCAs for the Artemis Project (EU-H2020 Grant Agreement No. 101026073) to improve the environmental performance of urban systems. Riccardo is currently based in Bolzano. He is a native Italian speaker, he is proficient in English and he is learning Spanish and German.