Riccardo Parin

Riccardo Parin
Research Group Leader
Riccardo Parin received hir Masters degree in Energy Engineering (2015) and PhD in Industrial Engineering (2018) at the University of Padova, Italy. His PhD work focused on experiments on two-phase heat transfer processes on nano-structured metal surfaces with different wettablities under the supervision of Prof. Davide Del Col. In 2019-2020 he worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Sydney in the School of Chemistry in the group of Prof. Chiara Neto and in collaboration with Prof. Martijn de Sterke (Physics Department), working on the ACWA (Advanced Capture of Water from the Atmosphere) project. The project focused on developing a low-cost method to capture enough water from the atmosphere to alleviate the effect of drought by providing water for consumption by humans and animals, and for irrigating plants. Author of different scientific journal articles and winner of the CDIP fund of the University of Sydney.