Eurach Research

Sergiu Constantin

Sergiu Constantin

Sergiu Constantin

Senior Researcher
Institute for Minority Rights

T +39 0471 055 223


Main research interests:  

  • International human rights law
  • Legal protection of national/ethnic/linguistic/religious minorities
  • Territorial and cultural autonomy arrangements
  • Multiple diversity governance

Sergiu Constantin is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Minority Rights of Eurac Research. He holds a law degree from the University of Bucharest (Romania) and a Master in European Studies from the University of Graz (Austria). His research projects deal with diversity governance focusing mainly on language rights, political participation and territorial/cultural autonomy arrangements in Europe and beyond. He has published several papers, articles and book chapters on these topics. His most recent publications are included in the volumes Litigating the Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples in Domestic and International Courts (edited by B. De Villiers, J. Marko, F. Palermo and S. Constantin, Brill, 2021) and Human and Minority Rights Protection by Multiple Diversity Governance. History, Law, Ideology and Politics in European Perspective (edited by J. Marko and S. Constantin, Routledge, 2019). His most recent consultancy activities regard projects undertaken by the Council of Europe and the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. Besides his research and consultancy work, he is co-managing the annual Eurac Research Summer School on Human Rights, Minorities and Diversity Governance and is coordinating the science communication activities of the Institute for Minority Rights.


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