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Open ScienceOpen Access Eurac Research Open Access Fund

Eurac Research Open Access Fund

    The Eurac Research Open Access Fund is a tool that supports the Eurac Research Open Access Policy. Together, the policy and the fund, foster a cultural shift toward the principle of open access publishing and facilitate it on a practical level. The fund is designed to expand the range of Eurac Research publications that are disseminated in open access and sponsors scholarly works that do not have alternative sources for financing, directly or indirectly, open access fees. For 2024 the fund amounts to 50,000 Eur and is available from 1st January 2024.

    What the fund sponsors

    The fund supports the publication of peer-reviewed research outputs, i.e. articles in scholarly journals (either fully open access or hybrid), individual book chapters and whole authored volumes/monographs, either single or multi-authored. The fund is to be used exclusively to finance article processing charges or book processing charges; no additional charges (e.g. color graphics, extra pages, reprints, extra book copies, etc.) will be covered.

    Requesting authors must use their Eurac Research affiliation in the article, book or book chapter for which they seek a contribution.

    • Authors of journals papers are eligible for funding if they are listed as first or corresponding authors.
    • Authors of book chapters are eligible if they are listed as first authors and remain eligible even if none of the book editors is affiliated with Eurac Research.
    • Authors of (non-edited) books/monographs are eligible regardless of their position in the list of book authors.
    • Being an editor of an edited volume does not imply automatic eligibility to receive funds from the Eurac fund. Book editors may apply for funding for one or more individual chapters in the book if they are signing the chapters as first authors.

    Publication eligibility

    To be eligible for funding, a journal must be listed in at least one of the following databases: the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Scopus or the most updated ANVUR list of class A journals.

    To be eligible for funding, a book or book chapter must be published by a publisher listed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB).

    Availability of funds and caps

    In order to ensure that the Open Access fund can support as many Eurac Research publications as possible, the contributions are capped.

    For journal article processing changes the cap is set at 2.000 €.

    For chapters in edited books, the fund offers a contribution capped at 2.000 € per OA chapter. In case of more than one chapter in the same book, there is a cap set at 7.000 € for the total contribution toward multiple OA chapters in the edited book. This cap is the same regardless of the publisher changing each chapter individually or a book processing charge for the entire book. When the full edited book is published Open Access and the publisher charges an overall book processing charge, the contribution from the Eurac Research fund for the single chapters is calculated as the proportion of chapters authored by Eurac Research authors, over the total number of book chapters.

    Book processing charges for authored books are capped at 7.000 €.

    Authors should explore all options for co-funding. Funds will be granted on a first-come first-serve basis until the available funding for the calendar year is exhausted.

    Alternative sources

    Before requesting an open access contribution from the fund, authors should ensure that no alternative source to cover Open Access costs is available to them. Whenever the published work is related to grants or programs that allow the allocation of grant money for open access publication (e.g. the European Commission) or if the chosen publication outlet is eligible to get funding from a body or institution (local, national or international) that sponsors open access, the author should take the necessary steps to charge the open access fees to the relevant grant account or apply for funding from the available sponsoring institutions.

    In case of co-authored research, alternative sources may also be available through one of the co-authors from other institutions, through their grants or their institutional schemes, such as transformative agreements for hybrid journals or institutional memberships with open access publishers etc. We encourage Eurac researchers to have an open discussion with their co-authors about covering Open Access costs for common research outputs.

    Additional help from the Research Support Office

    We know that book deals often entail a certain degree of negotiation with the publisher (including on open access fees). The RSO is happy to offer advice and counsel in the negotiation phase.

    How to apply to receive funding

    Requests for article processing charges should be sent to the RSO immediately after acceptance and (for hybrid journals) before agreeing to pay the article processing charge. Requests from books authors should be sent to the RSO as soon as possible and preferably in advance of the book contract signing. Requesting authors should fill out this online form and separately send the manuscript of their paper, chapter or book table of contents via email to

    Policy compliance

    Authors should always remember that, to comply with the Eurac Research Open Access Policy, they are required to record the bibliographic metadata of their scholarly publications in Converis and mark them for transfer to the Bozen-Bolzano Institutional Archive (BIA). Furthermore a full text version of the published article, chapter or book should be attached to the BIA records.

    The criteria of the Eurac Research Open Access Fund will be reviewed by the Open Access Working Group after two years of implementation, in spring 2023.

    Useful Links

    Liise Lethsalu and Maria Bellantone at the Research Support Office will answer your questions about Open Access and RDM, including training requests, questions about funders’ and journals’ policies, internal and external funding for Open Access and the Open Research Award. The Research Support Office can also be contacted for more information about the Open Access and the Research Data Management Working Groups in Eurac Research.

    For questions about the current research information system Converis and the institutional repository BIA, please contact Antje Messerschmidt at the Library.

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