Eurach Research
Research SupportOpen Science Research Data Management

Research Data Management

Research data management (RDM) refers to the organization, storage, preservation, and sharing of data collected or generated during a research project. Eurac Research supports its researchers with their RDM through both advisory and technical research data services. Our aim is to ensure that our researchers are supported through the whole research data lifecycle.

    Eurac Research Data and Source Code Management Policy

    Eurac Research developed a strategy and adopted a policy for research data and source code management in 2023. The overarching aim for us is to recognize research data and source code as first class research outputs. The policy offers a high-level framework for research data and source code management in line with international good practice, including the FAIR and the CARE principles. Our policy also recognizes the multitude of stakeholders involved in good research data and source code management and clearly assigns roles and responsibilities to each of them.

    The Eurac Research Data and Source Code Management Policy was developed collaboratively by the Research Data Management Working Group, with active feedback from all Eurac Research institutes and centers and relevant service departments.

    RDM Roadmap

    The Research Data Management (RDM) Roadmap sets objectives and delivery targets for research data services in Eurac Research. The RDM Roadmap is a coordinating tool that brings together different stakeholders and establishes a common work plan for research data management service development. It is a living document developed collaboratively by the RDM Working Group with feedback from institutes, centers, and service departments.

    RDM Working Group

    RDM service development is a multi-stakeholder effort. The Research Support Office works closely together with institutes and centers, the ITC, the Legal Office, and the Statistics Office on RDM. The Research Support Office also convenes the RDM Working Group that brings together all these stakeholders and permits a regular exchange of ideas and information.

    Training and Awareness Raising

    The Research Support Office carries out varied training and awareness raising around research data management, focusing in particular on data management planning and FAIR data. Awareness raising and training include Eurac Research wide events and activities as well as institute-specific offers. Research Support Office also offers one-on-one consultation on Data Management Plans for Eurac Research projects and collaborators. Increasingly, the focus of our services is to support peer-to-peer learning and experience sharing between researchers as well as research data professionals in Eurac Research.

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    A toolbox video about Data Management Plans, with focus on explaining the purpose of Data Management Plans and the tools and services available that support the writing of Data Management Plans. This toolbox video was produced for awareness-raising and training and is available on YouTube.

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    A toolbox video about the FAIR data principles that explains briefly what findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable data are. This toolbox video was produced for awareness-raising and training and is available on YouTube.

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